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U. G. Barad

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Public disgust with corrupt politicians is finally starting to bite,
spawning clutch of new parties committed to end corruption

For two decades, Lalu Prasad Yadav was a giant on India's political stage.
He ran a state of 100 million people, he took charge of the country's
massive rail network and his party was a crucial prop for the shaky
coalition government in New Delhi. 

Yadav managed all this despite a constant whiff of corruption around him.
Indeed, he liked to thumb his nose at the law, riding triumphantly on the
back of an elephant after a brief spell behind bars in 1997 as a crowd of
admirers cheered.

Last week, a court sentenced Yadav to five years in prison for his part in a
multi-million-dollar embezzlement case.

It was a landmark moment in a country where public disgust with corrupt
politicians is finally starting to bite. Voters could throw the ruling
Congress party out of power at the next general election, due by next May,
for presiding over one of the most sleaze-ridden periods in the country's

An opinion poll in August said the party's parliamentary strength could drop
to about 125 out of 543 elected seats. Currently it has 206, and rules with
the help of coalition allies.

"Endgame of India's unclean politics," Kiran Bedi, a former police chief and
now an anti-corruption activist, tweeted cheerily after Yadav was bundled
off to jail last week.

The popular outrage has also spawned a clutch of new parties committed to
ending the nexus between politics and crime, and - for the first time in
quarter of a century - it has put corruption firmly on the agenda for
national polls.


Probity has never been the strongest suit of the world's largest democracy.
A staggering 30% of lawmakers across federal and state legislatures face
criminal charges, many for serious crimes such as rape, murder and

Politicians and gangsters have long been bedfellows, not least because of
the dirty money that fuels political campaigns. More than 90% of funding for
the two main national parties, Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party,
comes from unknown sources, according to the advocacy group Association for
Democratic Reforms.

Yet, only once in India's history has the public been exercised enough about
graft to boot a government out for shady dealings. That was in 1989, when a
kickbacks scandal over the purchase of artillery guns from Sweden's Bofors
contributed to an election defeat for Congress and its then prime minister,
Rajiv Gandhi.

The scandals have come thick and fast on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's
watch in the last few years.

There was a huge scam over the sale of the 2G mobile spectrum, which Time
magazine listed as number 2 on its "Top 10 Abuses of Power", behind the
Watergate scandal. New Delhi's botched hosting of the 2010 Commonwealth
Games led to dozens of corruption cases, and then the government was hit by
a furore over the allocation of coal deposits now known as "Coalgate".

All this has prompted the emergence of an anti-corruption movement, one that
swelled in 2011 with huge protests led by Anna Hazare, who styled himself as
a crusader in the mould of independence hero Mahatma Gandhi.

The outcry has continued since then, rattling the government, in part
because much of it comes from the urban middle-class, a traditionally
apolitical bloc whose sudden engagement could shatter electoral

A Lowy Institute poll of Indians in May found that 92% thought corruption
had increased over the past five years, and even more believed that reducing
corruption should be a top priority for their government.
A newly formed party, the Aam Aadmi (Common Man) Party, has tapped into the
angst over sleaze. The AAP chose a broom as its symbol, to suggest it is
sweeping the muck out of politics. In a video game launched last week, the
party's leader navigates the corruption-plagued streets of the capital
wielding a broom.

An increasingly activist judiciary has added to the clamour to rid politics
of criminals.

In July, the Supreme Court decreed that lawmakers convicted of a serious
crime would immediately forfeit their seats, closing off a loophole that had
allowed politicians to stay on during appeals, which can drag on for years
in India.

Last month, the court ordered the Election Commission to introduce a
"none-of-the-above" choice for voters, allowing them to reject unsavoury
characters instead of choosing the best of a rotten bunch.

The AAP, which is expected to disrupt the usual two-party race in a Delhi
state election, next month, is just one of several parties to be set up on
an anti-corruption platform.

Among them is the Nav Bharat (New India) Democratic Party of Rajendra Misra,
who gave up various business interests to join public service seven years
ago. He worked with the main national parties to improve policy and
governance, but was disillusioned by the venality around him and finally
decided to go it alone.

"India isn't a poor country. It's a poorly managed country," says Misra, who
is planning to stand in next year's election.

There will be many election first-timers like him: young white-collar
working professionals challenging a system where political seats are mostly
occupied by old men and handed down to next generations like family

The upstarts have their work cut out for them in a country where votes are
still cast along community lines rather than by ideology, and where
mainstream parties are flush with cash.

Milan Vaishnav of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace says the
chances of a criminal candidate winning an election are three times better
than others, and money is not the only explanation.

"Candidates often use their criminality as a sign of their credibility to
protect the interests of their parochial community," Vaishnav said, saying
that voters sometimes choose criminals not despite of their criminality, but
because of it.

Shekhar Tiwari, a co-founder of the Nav Bharat Democratic Party, recognises
the enormity of the task facing the anti-corruption challengers. "Some of
what we say sounds like a dream. But if we don't dream, nothing is
possible," he says.


Still, a recent drama in the Congress party, which is led by Nehru-Gandhi
dynasty, showed which way the wind is blowing.

Prime Minister Singh's cabinet issued an executive order allowing convicted
lawmakers to continue to hold office and stand in elections, in essence
defying the Supreme Court. Critics said the move was aimed at shielding
allies - such as Yadav - whom the Congress may need to form a ruling
coalition after the elections.

As brickbats flew, Rahul Gandhi - the Congress party's likely candidate for
prime minister and scion of the dynasty - stunned and embarrassed his own
colleagues in a rare public outburst, calling for the order to be "torn up
and thrown out".

A few days later, humiliated and looking divided, the government withdrew
the decree.

"Rahul did that because he is convinced that this would destroy the tattered
remnants of Congress' credibility," said Prem Shankar Jha, a political
analyst. "Had this gone through, Congress would no longer be a victim of the
criminalization of politics but would be a patron of it."

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