Eastern Australia is having an extremely hard time. So Is Alberta and 
Saskatchewan in Canada and Alaska and other parts in the US.

The common typical symptoms and results are:
1 Low vaccination rates and not maintains Covid norms.
2 Beds on floors of overcrowded hospitals.
3 Teenagers and other fit and healthy people affected.
4 Heart attack, stroke and cancer patients shut off from ICUs as 5 Covid 
patients engulf them.
6 Sudden and rapid clinical deterioration of patients. One minute sitting on a 
chair and the next fighting for life on a ventilator.
7 Doctors again having to play god because of fully utilized resources.

This is the forefront of what may hit other parts of the world again.

Update your wills and your medical powers of attorney (who will take your 
medical decisions), but continue living your lives in a happy but safe way. 
Happiness is key to mental health while getting through this.



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