When all the nation's resources and collective might need to be employed to 
stop Covid related deaths, I am wondering if that is a stupid thought since the 
political atmosphere has never been so toxic and the BJP agenda is apparently 
more important! It is a global problem but we better solve it efficiently 
atmaniirbhar? When asked why Covid deaths are so high the answer is recovery 
rate is better, and why there is shortage of vaccines the answer is we have 
vaccinated more people faster than anywhere in the world! The BJP spokesperson 
accused the anchor of not thinking positive. I wonder if the BJP and our PM 
will note the anchor's stinging reply after no question was directly or 
satisfactorly answered "We are not talking positive or negative thinking, but 
reality ". They do not want to talk about facts or accountability but are so 
touchy about their image! A minister in Singapore reportedly makes a statement 
about the virus strain there being dangerous for children. The CM Delhi 
concerned about our children warns about it entering India, and reportedly 
Singapore is as concerned about its image. Instead of the PM of India picking 
up the phone and having a word with Kejriwal and PM  Singapore, the matter is 
blown out of proportion with the External affairs minister sharply disgracing a 
CM, who natuarally hit back! Distractions of Tool kit and continually sniping 
at each other when maximum cooperation is paramount is unbelievable. We are in 
deep trouble with shortage of vaccines and therefore resultant deadlier third 
wave predicted by experts! When will the Centre, starting with the PM and the 
States bury the hatchet for the time being and save us all from getting Covid 
positive and dying for want of vaccines or oxygen or medical staff  or shortage 
of firewood or graves and a thousand problems like high prices of essential 
commodities and resultant psycological and severe financial problems, hoarding, 
fake drugs, loss of jobs, starvation and so on. The toll on society is 
frightenning. No amount of compensation will compensate deaths and resultant 
destruction of millions of families.We have had enough of the communal virus 
and please do not bring in  a  positivity virus to replace accountability! For 
humanity's sake admit facts, get your act together on a war footing, 
concentrate on the suffering people and the Covid battle.

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