Days of institutional football clubs are numbered in India

 City based clubs ideal for Indian football

Margao: The days of the institutional Indian football clubs are well
and truly numbered.    The writing is on the wall is clear – either
renovate to the changing times or die a slow death, says Saby Antao, a
former Goan former footballer now based in the US and who holds a
Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

“These company owned clubs are not a viable option for the development
of Indian Football. Company clubs is only a viable option if they make
the club a city club funded by two owners or single owner. The company
is a brand and if the club is named after the company there is no fan
base because not everyone wants to link themselves with the company. A
city is a place that everyone belongs to and can attach themselves
too,” said Antao, who played for Salcete Football and Mahindra United
Mumbai and also represented the state team at the Santosh Trophy
national championship and for India Under-16 team.

"Regards to JCT, and Mahindra closing it was long due. I feel teams
like Air India, even Salgaocar and Dempo are going to shut shop in due
time. It is very difficult to run a club with no revenues coming in.
In Europe to the clubs are losing money but the they get loans to
market the brands.


Antao was reacting to the recent disbanding news of the Indian
I-League club JCT this year.  Mahindra United shut shop last year

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