4 Jun: Harrow, London, UK. MARCAL ANGELO DE SOUZA (Aged 64; ex- Mwanza,
Tanzania).  Son of the late Manuel de Souza (discoverer of the Tanzanite)
and Bernadette Woodruff.  Brother to Catherine Olsson, Cosma de Souza and
Maryanne de Souza-Jensen. He will be greatly missed by his wife Rosa (nee
Tellis), children (Patricia and Manuel), son-and daughter-in-law (Derek
Gilroy and Lisa) and his grandchildren (Sacha, Maya, Reuben and Zara).
Please send condolences to rosangelo...@googlemail.com

For a photo of Angelo De Souza see www.goanvoice.org.uk Newsletter of 9 June

For a profile of his father go to

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