What have we as global citizens learnt from the decision that the US made to 
release Meng Wanzhou the Huawei heiress without due process? 

1. China’s tactics worked. If they had not taken the two Canadians hostage, the 
US would never had released Meng even after 3 years. Example Guantanamo.

2. China lied when asserting that the two situations were unconnected - the 
Huawei heiress and the two Canadian Michaels. As soon as one was let go, the 
two were released without delay. China didn’t even bother to cover the 
reciprocity. Definitely tit for tat.

3. China will surely try this tactic again. It is reported that it has a list 
of 100 westerners in the country who will be used in a similar situation.

4. Whether or not it succeeds, other rogue nations are going to try the China 
trick themselves.

5. US law is only as enforceable as those in power want it. That’s not the way 
laws should work. Meng clearly violated US law. So much for democratic 
separation between Judiciary and Executive.

6. In more provocative circumstances, you can expect the practice of renditions 
again from both countries - where targeted individuals are kidnapped in other 

7. Non Chinese lose more than the Chinese. Meng Wanzhou was treated fairly and 
decently in Canada. The Canadian Michaels were subjected to restrictive and 
rough tactics including third degree and denial of diplomatic assistance.


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