Effective Safety And Disaster Management A Must


All over the world we have disaster management bodies, in reality they should be
professionals because the safety of the people post disaster depends entirely on
how swiftly and effectively the foot soldiers of the disaster management bodies
act, any panic, misjudgment or even hesitation could add to the loss of lives in
greater numbers.


Internationally, we also do have safety bodies, monitoring the safety standards
for the wellbeing of the people who work in those environs and around it, in
different spheres; they too should be professionals with a sound technical
knowledge of the subject under their safety periphery. We have different safety
bodies, industrial safety, construction safety, road safety, beach safety,
antiterrorism and among others, mines safety. All these safety bodies should
come under the umbrella of one general safety management body. Averting
disasters should be their primary duty and concern, having said this, we also
know that there will always be some disasters that will befall even with the
most professional security apparatus in place, that should be the time for the
disaster management to show it's professionalism.


In India and in Goa, from experience both these bodies may be partly or fully in
existence but unfortunately not active enough nor professional enough to be
effective. It is a pity and the ugly truth that our Government does not think
that safety and disaster management should be a priority and hence at the top of
their agenda. Do our Authorities seriously think that Goa is untouchable and
immune to disasters ?   


Goa has been very high on the terror list for a long time, no doubt our
Government acknowledges that but does it amplify any gusto to be prepared at all
times ? Few years back there was a cloud burst and the flood that followed was
indeed a disaster, losses in lives and property that could have been averted and
avoided were lost because of the time and professional factor, with what
followed, the lack of disaster management exposed the apathy and the
shortsightedness of our Government, even the relief was misdirected for their
own benefit. Even then did we learn something or anything at all ? 


This year so far we have had two mining disasters, thankfully and fortunately no
lives were lost, but none the less disastrous for the environment and our
ecology. Fertile fields and water bodies inundated by rainwater, mining dust and
mining rejects, destroying plants, water bodies and fields, causing irreparable
damage to the cause of nature, and all that the Mine Management had to say was
"the incident occurred despite adopting best Mine Management and it was caused
by incessant rains" ? Is Goa situated in the Gulf of the Middle East, where few
days of rain in a year is a novelty ? It is an unacceptable excuse. In Goa the
average rainfall in more than most parts of India and at times pours for days,
so wasn't the Mine Management aware of this yearly occurrence ? Ignorance of the
facts is unacceptable, as, there should have been the safety management, whose
duty it should have been to oversee all aspects of negligence, mismanagement and
its overtones for the safety of the people working and the environment around.


The Director of Mines Arvind Lolienkar in all his authority, finesse and
arrogance had to say "the State has already reported two major accidents this
monsoon. Such a situation has never happened earlier. The mining firms will have
to be more cautious towards workers' safety and nearby villages" as though he
had won two gold medals at the Olympics. Shouldn't the Director have been
working to make sure that no such incidents ever occurred, instead of waiting
for them to happen and if occurred, take the concerned authorities to task or
even seal the mine, till such time that all aspects of safety are in place and
adhered to ? Isn't this is what The Director of Mines suppose to do ? The
adherence of the safety laws and procedures is made mandatory at the time of
issuing leases and licenses and should not be reminded every time there is a
tragedy but strictest punishment accorded to the non-complying, to enforce the
laws effectively so that disasters are avoided.


The apathy and the ineffectiveness of our Authorities have left the people
insecure and apprehensive about the things and the times to come. At this point
in time what we need, are not antique ideologies disbursed by antiques
themselves, who are out of sync with time and place, in their own opaque time
zone but Effective management handing out and enforcing effective ideologies of
the present transparent era.  Dead wood should be burnt or buried, and not left
around to decay it's self and it's surroundings. Effective Safety and Disaster
Management is the only way up and out of this stagnant and moribund situation.
Wise up Goa ! 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


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