Eng. Filipe Neri  Rodrigues, MLA Velim Constituency

 Professional success, destined to rise  ,

Academically brilliant, no surprise,

 Start of politics, not much of luck

Worked his way up , never got stuck.

Resigned Govt service,  safe & secure

Entered private business, risky& unsure

Politics dented   lucrative career,

Passionate missionary, turned social warrior,

First elected, as the  Panchayat member,

Velim Constiuency MLA, thrice  to remember

 As Deputy CM.  Minister, he distinctly served.

The honour and respect ,richly deserved.

Disqualification drama, a political game,

verdict restored, dignity and name,

Defeat, ill health, bounced back to fame,

 No blemish as minister , or blame.

Humble, persuasive, planned works defends.

Never commands  , orders, or   offends,

Convincing approach, ensures  tasks done,

Unassuming attitude, respected by every one.

>From humble beginnings, climbed high in life

Supported and encouraged  by  wife

Reached out to voters, did his best,

Elected with highest margin, that`s the test.

Development, stands out as sign post,

 Problems galore, saviour and  host,

 Market complex, PHC , ground, notable few,

Protests, objections, kept on hold market   review.

Consistently attended, issues National highway

Protect  habitats ,commercial units in its way,

Beautification, water supply  , electricity improved,

Internal roads completed and others approved.

Beneficiaries, weekly flocked at his door,

Charity and compassion to deserving poor,

In serious illness, distress received aid,

Social causes, programmes ,gladly paid.

President, Chairman of   reputed CRCC club,

 Settled ownership  ,converted ground into sports hub,

 Indebted for  club edifice  and financial aid,

 Though by instalments, over years, debt repaid.

 Working capital. funds for CRCC  raised,

   Maintenance,  Gym, instruments, joggers path , rightly praised

 Cultural activities, tournaments  and sports

 Highlights, recorded in glowing reports.

In his honour, grateful voters , founded  prestigious award,

Recognition , appreciation,   a rarest  public reward

  Sports lover, donates  3 prizes for girl`s football,

Incentive , encouragement, to promote a call.

Much is expected of people who do more

 Involved fully like never before

 Complaints, criticism ,public ire did face

Praises and brickbats accepted with grace

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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