Everyone lobbies for bills, what is wrong if people put pressure?
Aamir Khan questions

In an exclusive chat, Aamir Khan discusses his role in the Jan Lokpal
movement, people's right to peaceful protest and the task facing MPs.

He's a superstar - but his latest appearance wasn't filmi. In an
exclusive chat with Srijana Mitra Das, Aamir Khan discussed his role
in the Jan Lokpal movement, people's right to peaceful protest and the
task facing MPs.

Q. When did you join the Jan Lokpal movement?

The last time Anna sat in protest. He got my attention onto the issue
of the bill. I went on the net, researched the government's draft and
the Jan Lokpal draft. I was not impressed by the government's draft-
but I found the Jan Lokpal a strong anti-corruption mechanism. I wrote
a letter to the PM and Anna with my thoughts.

Q. Was picketing MPs' houses an idea you gave Team Anna?

'Picketing' is a loose word but yes, I spoke with Arvind Kejriwal
10-15 days ago when I did mention my thoughts...In a democracy, the
person I'm electing is my MP. We can't all fight elections and sit in
Parliament. We select one person to do so on our behalf. Strong,
forceful communication with our MPs is essential. Each MP votes on
bills. If my MP doesn't convey my thoughts, I won't vote for him next
time. If they do, they'll get my support.

The Lokpal Bill too is now in Parliament. It'll go through drafting,
discussions, going to the standing committee, being voted on. We must
continue sustained dialogue with our MPs until the Bill is finally
passed. All eyes should now be on our local MP.

Q. Did protests force Parliamentary procedure?

This is a democracy. Everyone has a right to protest. This protest was
entirely peaceful, no force was used. In what other way could the
people communicate with their elected representatives? There is no
system of recall. And all bills are passed with political pressure and
corporate lobbying. Several interested parties get involved. So what
is wrong if the people of this nation - its most interested party -
put pressure? Everyone lobbies. This time, the people are lobbying.

Q. Wasn't Anna's fast about force?

No-one goes on a hunger fast as his first option. Anna did it as his
last resort. This bill has not been passed for over 40 years. The
hunger strike had to be done now. For the first time, I saw people
come out in support of an idea. To my mind, these are all signs of a
vibrant, alive democracy. It's very heartening. And it must continue.

Q. How do you see this movement continuing?

The ball is now in Parliament's court. MPs are being looked at with
hope. If they pass a strong anti-corruption bill, they will win the
confidence of the people - if they don't, they will lose that. Anna
and his team are doing a great job. The media, including your paper,
has been excellent. It must keep the issue in public consciousness.

Q. There's skepticism about film professionals coming out during
movements - your view?

Whenever there's a social movement, I normally don't see anyone coming
out. The business community, doctors, homemakers, everyone stays away.
The majority of people - not just the film industry- think 'Choro
yaar, kaun panga lega?'But this movement brought everyone out.

I was enthused to see housewives, lawyers, teachers, even government
employees coming out because corruption is an issue that affects

Q. Will a strong Lokpal make the film industry, famous for black
money, transparent?

A strong Lokpal will help everyone be more transparent - including the
film industry. A person's integrity has nothing to do with their
profession. Noble professions like medicine or law can have corrupt
people in them. It is your own conscience, your moral fibre that
propels you to be clear. That is what is happening now. That's what we
must build. On my part, I will continue to support the Jan Lokpal


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