We as humans have a tendency to believe only when we see. Many of us
do not believe the presence of God as he cannot be seen. We believe
there is air because we can feel it though we cannot see. So also it
is with God.  Many  believe because of faith but there are many who
have felt his presence in their life and believe strongly.   Trinity –
three but one God.   We expect God to have a form and hence cannot
grasp three in one doctrine of The Holy Trinity.   An ideal example
would be the Sun.  We have The Sun( The Source ), The Sun light
(without it the world will perish ) and The Sun heat (does its work
without being visible ).   Though three but one.  It is better to know
what God is rather than as everyone is taught who God is !

Coming Sunday, The Catholic Church celebrates  the solemnity of The
Holy Trinity.  Below given videos though in Konkani will greatly
enlighten us about what and who God is.  Share the WORD with your near
and dear ones.  SAVE A SOUL

Tri-Ek-Dev (Holy Triune God) : Rev. Fr. Jerry Sequeira

Also welcome to watch below video :

Zana Za Devak Tujea  ( Know your God)  Youtube Discourse in Konkani

You are invited to download and share the food with those who do not
have access to the net.  Thereby,  working for The Lord in his
vineyard  by  nourishing  some souls.

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