Family Politics In Goa

It's only natural for the poor, to want to be rich and the rich to want to be 
richer; we also feel the same for our children and we often dream about it too, 
if not work towards it. Dreaming and wanting to be rich is neither a sin nor a 
transgression against God or anyone else, but when this want or dream becomes 
an infatuation or an obsession, to be rich at all cost or at everybody's cost, 
it becomes an evil; it leads to indulgence and sin. No, no ! This post is 
certainly not a Sunday homily on sin and indulgence but an illustration of our 
apathy at what's happening in and to our beloved Goa.

The events in the political sphere, during the last couple of months in Goa 
reminds me of the age old tradition in supposedly respectable families, where 
parents would go scouting for prospective well to do grooms or brides 
respectively, as soon as their kids were of marriageable ages, the criteria 
most sought after were, riches, beauty and literacy, in random order with 
morals and virtues as leftovers or toppings.

Not surprisingly, our politicians too have been doing the same, trying to find 
suitors for not just their come of age but aged as well, sprouts, siblings, 
even better halves legal or otherwise and some, for themselves as well, only 
with an eye on the prospect of a financial windfall, as virtues and morals are 
sacrificed on the alter greed. Initially they will be ready to pour out any 
amount of wealth for a license to kill and later on kill, they will, and now 
they are all set to thrust their kith and kin in to the jamboree called Goan 

In Goa, the time of elections has always been a season for political marriages, 
divorces and remarriages, some even preferred "livein" relationships. Mostly 
these relationships are built on suspicion, deceit, selfishness, egos and a 
variegated collection of unethical principles, with one common factor, they are 
all opportunists just waiting for a chance to upstage the other, they are 
rarely compatible but mostly cantankerous, deranged and oddest of alliances 
have been witnessed, with adultery and partner swapping at will, without any 
remorse or shame, as long as they get to climb the economically viable ladder 
of fortune.

Goan politics is certainly devoid of all ethics, honesty, loyalty and 
integrity, as a result of which, politicians in Goa are easily bought and sold 
like hot cakes during the festive seasons. There are neither friends nor foes 
in Goan politics but just purposes to serve. As a result of which Goan politics 
is become a brothel, state your price and take the cake or whatever ! There is 
no doubt that politics in Goa is a money spinning mechanism and today all the 
degenerates just don't want to get out of it, so much so that they are now 
dragging their, siblings, sprouts, wives legal or otherwise, willingly or 
unwillingly for a share of the spoils of the Goa pie.

The power of dynastic political rule in Goa was started by none other than the 
first CM of Goa, the reason behind the "Opinion Poll" the late Dayanand 
Bandodkar, as his sprout Shashikala took the reigns after his death, now after 
a long time in political wilderness, is terrorizing Goan parents, in the guise 
of Identity, I wonder where was the love for our Identity during the Opinion 
Poll. Probably the grass was greener on the other side of the fence !

Not to be undone another former CM Pratapsingh Rane, cunningly brought in his 
sprout on an independent ticket and into his very first term was blessed with a 
ministry and he has already reaped the harvest. Then we have the siblings, 
Dhavalikar and the Alemao brothers, all these luminaries, have already 
fortified themselves and now, the Alemao brothers are bringing in their 
sprouts, Ravi Naik his son, Anil Salgaocar his sons, Navekar his better half, 
Mamie her son and Mikky his aamm.... partner. It looks like its going to be one 
hell of a family election ! Anyone wants to guess the source of the funds that 
will be used for their campaign ? Yeh ! We Goans have been had for breakfast, 
lunch and dinner, Suckers !

Some heavyweights have already thundered that no matter what, their kith and 
kin will surely contest, form any other party, if not for theirs, that means in 
some constituencies they will fight against their very own party, Ah ! It's 
certainly a humdinger of the essence and the ethics of Goan politics and I am 
already looking forward to it, as it promises a carnival of sorts. No doubt it 
has happened before but certainly not at this scale and measure.

My fellow Goans please do not get fooled with gifts, money and even empty 
promises, a lot is at stake, for the rogues as well as for us but in adverse 
situations. Goa loving Goans, we are already on the brink of disaster and a 
slip now will be perilous and extremely detrimental to the wellbeing of Goa and 
our Goan Identity. With elections just round the corner, be wise and vote 
wisely, to save Goa from the hands of the degenerates, who are going all out to 
make Goan politics their own personal fiefdom and realm. Goa Jai Ho !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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