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                      Goa Sudharop Annual Awards
                   January 5, 2011 - 3:45 - 6:30pm
                      Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, Goa

             Details at:     http://bit.ly/GoaSudharop2011


From  the Cradle of Konkani history: 3

What is Historiography? Does it mean writing about only those things of which one is aware? It cannot be denied that Historiography involves a lot of research, a meticulous and painstaking exercise to unearth and bring to light facts which may not all be in the public domain. But, in recent years, the term is being interpreted as an effort to write about only those events and happenings one personally knows, only about persons one likes while ignoring those one does not, and generally blow one's own trumpet. In fact there has been an active attempt to twist history to fit one's own agenda; this is specifically in regard to the history of Konkani language and the Konkani Tiatr. Let us bear in mind that, in effect, what is today being recorded as history is a falsification of History, a diabolical attempt at suppressio veri suggestio falsi. When the next generation comes to use this hodgepodge as reference material and bases its writing on this "history" could we blame them? Have these historiographers pondered over this aspect?

Keeping this in mind, we are bringing out a roll of persons who have sincerely contributed to the progress of Konkani and who have been, deliberately or otherwise, ignored or neglected. We do not rule out the possibility of shortcomings even in this writing of ours. But we are of the firm opinion that facts, in their proper perspective, must be truthfully recorded. Therefore, we humbly request our knowledgeable readers to point these defects and also provide any additional relevant information, in their possession or knowledge, about these personalities so that proper amends could be made. Letters/articles in this regard would be much appreciated. (- F.C.)

F. J. Martyres - d. 1986

Francis John Martyres alias F. J. Martyres, native of Savantvaddi, held a high position in GPO, Mumbai. His contribution to Konkani language is immense. He has functioned as a pillar of Konkani Bhasha Mandal, Mumbai right from its inception until his death on December 11, 1986. As its General Secretary for many years, he has conducted all its affairs from his own home since the Mandal did not have an office of its own. For a very long time he was the only Catholic pillar of the Konkani movement in Mumbai. During his tenure as Secretary, and under his direction, Mando Utsav was organized in 1971 and Kunbi Utsav in 1973.

He was the Chairman of the Reception Committee during the 13th All India Konkani Sammelan held in Mumbai in 1980 and worked indefatigably for its resounding success.

Following his sad demise in 1986, the activities of KBM came to a stand-still. The Mandal was revived in 1992 by J. B. Moraes and the late G. M. B. Rodrigues with the assistance of Uday Bhembre; it continues to function till today.

Martyres had researched all the Konkani publications from Mumbai and had compiled a lot of invaluable data thereon. The same was borrowed for reference by a Konkani literateur who later published it under his own name without the permission of Martyres. Martyres was deeply saddened by this incident. He had also collected a large number of Konkani books which, his family members inform, were donated to the University of Mumbai after his death.

Fr. Caetano Lobo, sdb

Fr. Caetano Lobo, sdb hailed from Colvale, Bardez. He was a saintly Salesian priest who has served the Konkani language for several years. While he was editor of the Konkani weekly 'Aitarachem Vachop' through this organ he promoted and encouraged many youngsters to write in Konkani, who later became celebrated Konkani writers. Besides contributing articles to Don Bosco's Madonna, Aitarachem Vachop, V. Ixtt etc., he also wrote for the The Goa Times weekly. His series of articles under the title "Don Bosco-chi Maim ani Saibinn" appeared there for a long time and was awaited avidly by its readers. Similarly he has brought out a booklet dedicated to the Devotion to Our Lady.

One could rightly say that this entire Lobo family from Colvale was engaged in the service to Konkani language and the society in general. Belarmino Lobo, brother of Fr. Caetano, was a veteran Konkani author. He has considerable writing in Konkani to his credit, being a contributor to V.Ixtt and Aitarachem Vachop; similarly he has brought out a few Konkani publications. Right from the Portuguese days, the family has been conducting a private school in Colvale; today it is a renowned English medium high school.

Fr. Marceline J. Remedios, 1924 -

Fr. Marceline J. Remedios is a native of Sallgão, Bardez. He was born on June 3, 1924 and was ordained priest on December 21, 1950. He was a veteran preacher in Konkani. He edited Udenti-chem Neketr published by the Archdiocese of Mumbai. Besides this, his novel 'Mariache Bhognnar' became very popular. His religious book, Sorgincho Sangati was also very popular amongst the faithful; it includes prayers and novenas.

Presently, Fr. Remedios is ailing at Clergy Home, Bandra, Mumbai.

(to be continued)


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