The BJP government is moving in the right direction prohibiting government 
employees first class air travel, foreign jaunts with  companion freebies, also 
 five star hotels meetings/ seminars and is promoting video conferencing to cut 
down on unnecessary/ discretionary expenditure. However this is not in line 
with the tremendous pomp and pageantry expenditures in their mega rallies and 
victory/ other celebrations indulged in by the same government. The Congress 
too had issued stringent orders for austerity measures which were implemented 
more in the breech! Unless there is a drastic change in mindset, behavioral 
changes are unlikely. Our Tourism department is getting ready for promoting Goa 
at travel marts abroad. Hypocrisy and working around austerity measures are 
nothing new. The BJP have appropriated Sardar Patel and the Mahatma, dumping 
Indira and Nehru. Sardar mediated the Ghandian ethos of inclusiveness and also 
Nehruvian aspirations through political pragmatism! Interestingly Mahatma is 
only propagated for civic use! We have a long way to go to become "Visva Guru" 
ie a super and spiritual power as propagated  by Raj Nath Singh our Home 

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