43 Years After The Opinion Poll

16th January 1967 was a dawn of a new era for Goans all over the
world, it enhanced our dreams that were ignited by the end of the
Salazar era, the day of exuberance when finally we Goans put an end to
the depraved infatuation of the pro Maharashtra lobby within the Goan
borders, sons of the soil turned traitors for a few pieces of silver.

The struggle enforced by the proud son of the soil Dr Jack de
Sequeira, under whose stewardship we safeguarded, what we call our
prized Goan Identity, if not we might have been residents of some
remote coast of western Maharashtra. We have to be thankful to Dr.
Jack de Sequeira and his erstwhile comrades for protecting our most
cherished procession, our unique Goan Identity.

In 1961 it was the fight of the united Goa that paved the way for the
so called liberation, only to fall prey to the pseudo secular, pseudo
democratic and corrupt ideologies of the Indian Union. In 1967 it was
a literary a civil war in Goa, Goans fighting against their very own,
one to safeguard it’s integrity, while the other, traitors trying to
sell the mother for personal gains. In the end the power and the will
of the people prevailed through sheer determination.

Forty three years down the line and we are still fighting demons
within the Goan borders and now it’s again the turn of the very sons
of the soil, who are trying to tear their mother apart in the name of
religion and language. What an ugly situation ? The erstwhile former
leaders must be rolling in their graves, trying to figure out why on
earth, have their sacrifices been in vain ?

Once again it is the politicians, the very people who were elected to
safeguard Goa and Goans, who are the culprits, continuing to fool
Goans, dividing it’s people for personal gains.

When the Indian Union was formed at the end of the British rule all
the princely states and regions were divided on the basis of language
and culture that was shared by the majority of the people in that
particular area and as such in 1961 Nerhu at the time of annexation of
Goa into the Indian Union, Goans were promised that their culture and
their language would be safe guarded through the special status for
Goa, the promises that the Delhi babus have continently and
conspicuously forgotten.

The very essence and the fervor of the opinion poll was to safe guard
our unique Goan Identity. Which now is being diluted with the influx
of migrants from all over India, I agree that being Indians anyone and
everyone is entitled to settle any where in India, the right given by
the Constitution of India, but unfortunately Goa was neither a part to
the Constitution nor a member of the Indian Union when it was drafted.

Due to the small geographical size of Goa, precautions should have
been taken by Delhi and our own Politicians that our own culture and
our Identity does not get overwhelmed by the larger cultures and other
parts of the Indian union.

In 1985 when pro Marathi activists reared their ugly head once again,
the pro Konkani movement gathered momentum under the able leadership
of the Konkani Pojecho Awaz (KPA), but then in 1986 December only when
the wave of the Konkani movement turned into a tsunami and the loss of
seven innocent lives, our politicians were once again forced to accept
the will of the people, as Konkani was made the official language of
Goa on 4th February 1987 soon after which Goa got statehood on 30th
May 1987. Konkani then found a place in 8th schedule of the Indian
Constitution, five years later on 20th August 1992.

Our politicians conniving as usual though made Konkani the official
language, left a back door open for Marathi to weave it’s way in, any
time in the future and till today there is the evil of suspicion
making it presence felt every single day in the lives of Goans.

Today, as we Goans are on the verge of becoming a minority in our own
land, our politicians are playing the dirty card called vote bank
politics as migrants are brought in hoards and given the right to
overwhelm the Goan voting public as a result of which illegal migrant
colonies and shanties have changed the landscapes of a good number of
places, which stand out like sore eyes and also emit and harbor crime
and criminals, a perfect breading ground for anti social elements.

Forty three years down the line and we Goans are still insecure in our
own land as once again our inapt politicians are hell bent on leather
to feed the fruits of the historic opinion poll to the outsiders for
their own personal gains.

Was this the vision we had forty three years ago ? Was this what we
wanted as the stepping stone into the 21st century ? Was this the Goa
we all wanted ? If yes, then we have got what we deserved, and the
opinion poll had no meaning what so ever, but if not, what do we intend to
do about it ? The ball is in our court ? It’s each one’s Call !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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