Unemployment Dole
This proposal was explored in the past and abandoned for various
reasons It is not because of serious concerns of swelling army of
educated army of educated unemployed registered at the employment
exchange The nearness of elections  are political compulsions of
appeasement.By this act the Govt.recognises its responsibility at
least for 3 years during which this dole will be distributed The Govt.
indirectly accepts its duty to place them in gainful  employment
during the intervening period? After 3 years will it wash its hands of
any responsibility ?  There is no  public demand for such a populist,
wasteful scheme, that has germinated and evolved in the fertile brains
of our legislators There is no hue and cry by the opposition party for
its non implementation.Will it serve as mere pocket money for frugal
spending by the unemployed? There is no proper man power planing and
complete mismatch between educational  growth and industrialisation.
Most of the educated migrate  in search of employment Govt . should
seriously introspect on this aspect of creating jobs, in stead of
releasing steam by doles off frustrated unemployed. What ever jobs are
available are for sale to the highest bidder for enormous
consideration. The locals are deliberately avoided to maintain the
secrecy of selling the vacancies. The Goa public service Commission on
paper appears to be doing its duty sincerely The resultant vacancies
in the Govt. are distributed amongst the various legislators for their
distribution and buying patronage.Instead of doles , it would be
desirable to compulsorily enforce the apprenticeships schemes and for
which the doles will be paid by the Govt. Alternatively , the industry
should be made to train their men power requirement from the existing
pool of educated unemployed There is no dignity of labour and as the
result there is a influx of migrants, for whom Goa is Eldorado, There
is dearth of people in many services of daily  necessities and for
which the ITI should be widely spread, to stop the rush to merely
academic pursuits. The vocational subjects at the ssce and  vocational
streams should be more attractive and useful. for self employment.
Part time , short term courses should be widespread, so that the
talents of many may find fruitful outlets The vantom spread of
academic education should be capped and encouragement and support be
extended to the vocational courses. The idea of doles may cause more
harm and it will a problem rather than solution, encouraging idleness
at its best.
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276.

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