GBiB: Goa Books in Brief [Guest column: Clarice Vaz]

Ti: Feasts, Feni and Firecrackers: Life of a Village
    Schoolboy in Portuguese Goa
Au: Mel D'Souza, written and illustrated by
Yp: 2008
Fm: Paperback
Av: From the author, in Canada.

Review by Clarice Vaz
A sneak peek inside this book will lure you within its
light-hearted stories with funny illustrations.  Here one can
walk down memory lane to reminisce and experience the gentle,
laid back (read susegaad) life of the average 'Joao'.

          In this book, Mel tries to bring their traditions
          and little idiosyncrasies alive -- where children
          climbed and raided their neighbours fruit trees,
          when everyone knew each other and you had time to
          wish your friendly neighbours and passersby.  It
          was a polite, courteous and happy Goa, where
          celebrations were joyous and unrestrained.  A Goa
          of leisurely afternoon siestas...  where the value
          of a pig was priceless...  where dogs, fowls, cows,
          peacocks and foxes all dotted the landscape.

Transport in those days was also cause for much excitement.
The 'matchbox' bullock cart was summoned for long journeys.

A bicycle parked outside ones driveway indicated wealth.
They had brand names....  Raja, Hercules and Raleigh (for
those rich men!) and they were even fitted with a kerosene
lantern for night travel!

Mel talks about the caminhao (public bus), the village
doctor, the village beggars and oddballs, of match making and
evil eye, bare feet football and bullfights!

          What makes FFFs such a delightful read is that it
          reminds the older generation of the 'good old days'
          and it gives the younger ones a glimpse of their
          heritage.  The illustrations are simple, but
          brilliantly authentic and full of tradition and
          rural folklore.

Only limited copies are available. You can contact Mel
directly at

KEY TO ABOVE: Ti: Title; Au: Author; Yp: Year of Publication;
Pr: Price (in Goa, Rs); Pp: Number of pages; Fm: Format;
Pu: Publisher; Av: Availability; Im: Image(s)

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