On 26th March, 2008 the Minister for Finance , Government of Goa, Mr Dayanand G 
Narvekar placed  his Government's 178 point budget proposals for 2008-09 before 
the august House of the Goa Legislative Assembly.
It  turned out to be a landmark budget proposal, a fact every Goan has 
discreetly commended for it was the first time that the Finance Minister made a 
well studied presentation of the same reflecting almost every segment of the 
society and above all asked for the views of the public before preparing and 
presenting the budget 2008-09.
Yet an another remarkable achievement as reflected in the proposals  was that 
Mr Narvekar himself who earlier as the Deputy CM holidng  the Planning 
portfolio  had convinced the Central Government about the injustice being meted 
out to Goa in devolution of central grants though the State though Goa has been 
making significant contribution in the form of central taxes and foreign 
exchange earnings from different sectors.
Currently in his  present avtar as the Minister for Finance Govt of Goa he made 
a power point presentation to the Hon'ble Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and 
Union Finance Minister Mr P C Chidambaran and as a result of his singular and 
dedicated efforts he managed to get for the first time post Liberation central 
assistance of Rs.2000 crores; to the State.
But this was not the only achievement; and Mr. Narvekar will certainly go down 
in history as the only Minister for Finance who boldly admitted  and I quoted 
in the text of the Budget proposals  2008-09 ---" Language development Speaker 
Sir; I believe that the type of scripts should not become a barrier for 
language develpment.  Though Konkani is the State language of Goa it is spoken 
and also written in many parts of the country.  The Konkani language has 
significant presence mainly in the coastal belt along the Arabian coast from 
Mumbai to thiruvananthapuram.  For instance, in Karnataka it is written in both 
Kannada and English script (Roman- emphasis mine). My Government is committed 
to develop Konkani language by supporting the Institutions working for the 
promotion of this language.... "
It is therefore for the first time after the Official Languages Act, 1987 was 
pased on 4th February, 1987 that Government indeed admitted that the type of 
scripts should not become a barrier for language develpment.
With this in mind despite the Goa Konkani Academy receiving grants for the 
promotion of Konkani in devanagari script  the Government went ahead to make a 
separate  provision of Rs.15 lacs to the Dalgado Konkani Academy presently 
working for the cause of promotion of Konkani language in Roman script and who 
had  requested for the financial assistance to undertake various language 
development activities.
The corollary to this development is obvious.   After the last two years that 
the protoganists of Konkani in Roman script, have been spearheading the demand 
for official recognition to Konkani in Roman script the Government has awoken 
and realised that the diversity in script was the root cause of the non 
acceptance of the  Official language Act 1987 by mainly the minority community.
Therefore this year when the Finance Minister Mr Dayanand Narvekar constituted 
for the first time the adhoc committees to review the budgetary proposals under 
each head in two sittings one in May and now in June 2008 wherein the public 
were provided an opportunity along with the MLA's to sit in the Goa Legislative 
Assembly Secretariat and offer suggestions on the budgetary proposals in the 
presence of the Heads of Departments, Secretary Under secretary etc  the 
undermentioned protoganists demanding recognition to Konkani in Roman script 
made a presentation before the Demands related to ad-hoc committee on Law. The 
Chairman was Mr Manohar Parrikar, the other members present were Mr Francis D 
Souza MLA Mapusa, Mr Damu Naik MLA Fatorda 
Dr.( Fr ) Pratap Naik sj of TSKK
Mr Wilson Mazarelo Convenor Romi Lipi Action Front
and the undersigned.
The gist of the presentation was that now the government has recognised the 
diversity in script it should now in the forthcoming session delete the 
words in the Official Languages Act viz;  Konkani  --means written in 
Devanagari script  for this is the main reason why the Konkani agitation 
received world wide support and not for the recognition of only devanagari 
This writer also highlighted a little known document obtained from the Sahitya 
Akademy in New Delhi that it was the Advisory Committee which on 21st November, 
1981 unanimously passed a resolition that the natural script for Konkani would 
be Devanagari.  This the writer mentioned to the Committee was an arbitary 
decision taken by the 10 member committee most of whom were protoganists of 
Konkani in devanagari and did not have the ratification of State Governments 
through Cabinet decisions on behalf of the Konkani speaking people of the 
respective States viz Karnataka Maharashtra Kerala or Goa Daman and Diu.
It is therefore for the first time that the protoganists of Konkani in Roman 
script got the opportunity to place their views before the august house and 
record for posterity the justful demands of a community which was betrayed by 
just 3% of the population supporting Konkani in devanagari script for their own 
well being and to relegate the large minority community to second class 
It is hoped that during the forthcoming session of the Goa Legislative Assembly 
the lovers of Konkani in Roman script will compel their elected representatives 
to table the bill seeking an amendment to delete the provision which restricts 
the script solely to devanagari.
The Finance Minister needs to be commended for his bold gesture.
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