In India’s smallest State the pandemic is raging, with COVID-19 confirmed
cases racing to 10,000 and the deaths sadly soon crossing a century. The
health authorities are unprepared and in a state of total disarray while
dealing with the spike of cases. Lack of coordination and non application
of mind is on display while we are by the day now losing precious lives.
The government had all these months to have the required medical care
infrastructure in place but just lost the plot being focused on wrong
issues as priorities. The whole situation is very worrisome and the rank
failure of those in power is unpardonable and unforgivable.

The economy is in dire straits but the sex trade has not slowed down with
so many young girls being rescued after the kingpins have been raided and
busted. There have also been seizures of narcotics and drug parties while
the gambling dens have shown no respite of slowing down so also the dhirios
(bull fights).

A friend who is the manager of a small but reputed resort at Dona Paula
while narrating that the restaurant business was in a total slump told me
that there was however no dearth of calls from affluent Goans asking if
rooms were available for a quick hour or two. My friend says he hangs up on
all such naughty calls not to have the messy affairs in his rooms.

The pandemic seems to have not yet instilled fear in our minds and we are
learning no lessons of exercising restraint in these current precarious
times. It has still not dawned on the people that the virus is highly
infectious and passed through personal contact. This virus does not
discriminate between rich and poor, young or old, or on one’s
political, social or occupational status.

How many more positive cases and lives do we have to lose for both
Government and people to take this deadly virus seriously and exercise
total restraint and control and strictly follow the health protocols? We
cannot continue to live in a worsening situation where government appears
to have lost control and its political leaders deliberately ignoring the

This is a time for everyone to be vigilant, rational and prudent in all
aspects of life, medically, economically as well as with our personal
hygiene and habits. This is proving to be a marathon not a sprint. Life now
as we know it and in the new normal will never be the same again. It is a
time to tighten our belts and not waste scarce resources on non-essentials
and personal temptations.

In view of all this, we need to know whether our accidental Chief Minister
still believes and rants that ‘Bhivpachi goroz Na’. The CM and Government
need to get a grip and act quickly, based on medical and economic facts and
expertise if we and our future generations are to survive this destructive
pandemic with some medical and financial hope and not just succumb to fear
and confusion.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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