Camilo Fernandes :    In response to Vivian's below mail :
Rather than being pessmistic and sceptical about the GRA meeting and their 
leaders, Goans should come forward and do their bit to support anyone who takes 
the initiative to save Goa.  Many Goans seem to have lost total faith in 
whoever comes forward to try and improve matters and feel all this is the same 
old wine in new bottles.  Even if there may  be some truth in their belief 
after experiencing how many policiticans who were staunch patriotic lovers of 
Goa and Konkani like Churchill etc. have let Goans down, all for the  sake of 
money and power.  Surely  there is no harm in giving it a try rather than just 
sitting at home expressing disappointments and closing ones eyes to what is 
happening around and just accepting things as they are.   It is very easy to 
criticize, mock and ridicule rather than doing something practical and taking 
on the initiative.  
It is strange and sad that instead of Goans being united and taking on corrupt 
Goan politicians/leaders and doing whatever we can no matter how little,  to 
save Goa, we seem to be taking on other Goans.   Some Goans based in Goa feel 
that only they are true lovers and patriotic while other Goans based abroad are 
not.   Neither are they  prepared to take any initiative to do something good 
nor are they prepared to give others who atleast are trying to do something.  
They are neither leaders nor followers but only believe in criticizing and 
being  pessimistic and firmly believing that nothing is going to change no 
matter what.  Even if there may be some truth in this what harm is there in 
trying no matter how small the step is     Surely it is better to light a 
candle no matter how small rather than cursing the darkness.   Maybe this small 
wave could turn into a storm.   We must remember we are against powerful 
leaders who have made crores and have lots to lose and hence will do everything 
to remain in power.  They have their henchmen/die hard supporters many of them  
are outsiders while many sadly are  Goans who stand by them as they too stand 
to gain though not to the extent of the politicians.   These Goans must realize 
that by supporting these corrupt politicians,  they too are playing a wicked 
part  in destorying Goa and are no more loyal Goans but traitors.   Politicians 
know very well that slowly but surely there are more outsiders in Goa than 
original Goans and they dont totally need to bank on original Goan votes.  All 
that the politicians want is to ruin Goa no matter what so long as they amass 
wealth at any cost.     
As Vivian right says "I am too much of a sceptic to expect much to happen. But 
I am 
clutching at straws, and am willing to give whoever new comes in the picture a 
chance. "
Atleast we then will have the satisfaction that we are trying and hope that 
things turn out for the better and this wave of protest turns into a storm.
Best wishes,
Dev borem korum
Camilo Fernandes
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Goanet] GRA meet on March 15th

In the absence of any other movement to change the political climate of 
and environmental degradation and unbridled greed in Goa, I plan to attend 
meeting on March 15th and urge others to do the same. Sitting at home and
saying to myself "same old, same old" will drive me crazy. Something has to 
done. I am too much of a sceptic to expect much to happen. But I am 
at straws, and am willing to give whoever new comes in the picture a chance.    

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