Goa Su-Raj Party hails the decision of Goa's CM Mr. Manohar Parrikar, to demand Special Status for Goa through the amending of the Article 371 of the Indian Constitution at the NDC meet at New Delhi. The Party congratulates Mr. Parrikar in no uncertain terms for ultimately deciding that Goa is better-off with the Special Status which has been denied for the past 51 years by the Central Government despite tall promises of the late first Premier of India, Mr. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It is heartening to note that Mr. Parrikar's 'lukewarm' attitude towards Special Status for Goa, which demand was the heart-throb of late Matanhy Saldanha, a special and close friend of Mr. Manohar Parrikar, has at last started warming. This Party hopes that this mere warming surpasses to being red-hot in the immediate near future for the sake of Goa and Goans.

The amendment of the Article 371 of the Indian Constitution to give powers to the State Legislature to frame laws, rules and regulations to protect it's unique identity, it's diverse cultures and it's land and other resources as it deems fit, is a must and is utmost URGENT if Goa is not to lose it's centuries old acquired distinct social and cultural ambience that is not found elsewhere in the Indian Union and which ambience attracts the attention of the world. Goa has been steadily losing this ambience through massive dilution of its demographic profile, through mass invasion of outside cultures, as also through Goans migrating elsewhere throughout the world for being sidelined, slighted, dishonored and disrespected.

Hopefully, the Goa CM will re-consider the demand for a separate Administrative Cadre for Goa, which needs to go hand in hand with the demand for the granting of Special Status for Goa which Special Status has nothing to do with ' Special Economic Status' which the CM of Bihar, Mr. Nitish Kumar is demanding for his State. Goa has it's own goldmine of resources that will see it through financially without being dependent on the Centre for doles.

The above two demands will pave way to bring back the confidence to the Goan populace which has been steadily eroded over a period of past many centuries through one type of colonial administration replaced in the past 51 years by another type of colonial administration camouflaged to sell to the Goan populace as 'LIBERATION'.

The next step that the CM of Goa must take is to pass the RESOLUTION in the next and upcoming State Legislative Assembly Session to demand Special Status for Goa through amendment of Article 371 of the Indian Constitution coupled with a RESOLUTION to demand for a Separate State Administrative Cadre to stop Goa's inclusion in the AGMU Cadre arrangement, which, as Mr. Manohar Parrikar has realized of late, is counter productive for a vibrant GOA.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the above stand taken by Mr. Manohar Parrikar with the Centre vis a vis the demand for Special Status for Goa will be a shot in the arm for the 'MOVEMENT FOR SPECIAL STATUS FOR GOA - MSSG' which has been nursing it's deep disappointment in Mr. Manohar Parrikar for his lukewarm attitude towards it, despite eager promises.

Thank you Mr. Manohar Parrikar. This singular act of yours has brought back confidence in the hearts of Goans which has been steadily moving away, replacing the cold despair with warm flushings.

Floriano Lobo
General Secretary & Spokes Person
Goa Su-Raj Party
H.O: 383A-Pirazona-Moira-Bardez-GOA-403 507
Phone: (0832) 2470223
Mobile: 9890470896
Email: floriano.l...@gmail.com
Website: www.goasu-raj.org

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