Padamshree Suresh Gundu Amonkar in response to the controversy over
Dr. Jose Pereira’s paintings wrote a lead article for The Navhind
Times, Sunday Panorama, Aug. 8, 2010.
Despite his ill health Sureshbab has devoted himself to build a
multicultural society full of love, peace and mutual respect… I had
reviewed Dr. Amonkar’s historic, pioneer Konkani translation of
Dnyaneshwari and Japji-the Sikh holy text.
There is so much common ground in devotional music-gregorian chants,
sufi music, choir music, shabad kirtan or Hindu bhajans and
aartis....Dr. Amonkar sees one single sacred thread weaving the
omnipotent and omniscient force!!
Dr. Amonkar was warmly received and felicitated at Golden temple,
Amritsar. He has cemented the bonds of understanding between different
communities which distinguish our country.
Every Konkani speaker need to read all his translated
books-Dhammapada, Tirukurul, Bhagvadgeeta, Saint John’s Gospel and the
rosal Konkani Dnyaneshwari. I wish the almighty may give him strength
to render Al Ku-ra-aan , Zend Avesta and Talmud  in Konkani.
Multicultural unity had been strength of Goa.  We must read the
original texts ( and if possible good expert commentaries) of all the
religions. Despite having studied Sanskrit at School for four years it
took me 20 more years of deep reading  to have an enlightened  vision
of Hinduism.Until then I was just a worshipper a follower of rituals.
It changed the day when I began explaining the meaning of the prayers
and mantras which my late father Mukund V. Kamat used to chant for
hours. He was one of the most orthodox Hindu I had ever seen. I wish I
could have explained him works of Karen Armstrong and Wendy Doniger.
No doubt Actress Julia Roberts has also realized what is true about
Hinduism, (and earlier Richard Gere about Buddhism) and this trend
would continue in the west, so it is hightime that all Hindus
rediscover themselves and Hinduism, there is so much to absorb!

Dr. Amonkar says in his article….

“I recommend to all the champions and defenders of Hindu faith to
launch a project of self-education - “Discovery of India” a la Nehru
which should  include reading of great scriptures – Dhammapada, Geeta,
Guru Granth Sahib, Kural, the Four Gospels, works of all Indian Saint
Poets as also the reading of Kalidasa’s ‘Kumarsambhava’ (after which
they will never be scandalised) and a visit to the Khajuraho temples,
viewing of Rajasthani miniature paintings after which no “defender of
Hindu faith” will ever think of threatening a Hussain or a Pereira.
A religion, to satisfy the largest proportion of mankind, must be able
to supply food for all types of minds; and where this capability is
lacking, the existing sects all become one sided.”
Visit the following weblink to read the full article

Let us wish ailing Sureshbab good health and a long life!

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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