Goa Chief Minister left State to serve Nation

Left Goa leaving the mission* unaccomplished 
Manohar Parrikar whom people voted to power to lead & serve  Goa for 5  years,  
resigned as Goa's Chief Minister on 8th Nov.2014 after 2.5 years and sworn in 
as Union Cabinet Minister next day i.e.9th Nov. 2014.
He says Country is bigger than State
I say State is also part of Country so serving State is also serving the Nation.
*Mission = His assurances, people’s hopes & aspirations etc

Even the lady to his right (pic) seems not happy about it

Quote: My earlier FB Post

How could you?
I can’t believe you are going.
Most people when voted BJP, they also voted you
How can you leave them in lurch? 
Upto 70% of youth who voted for BJP, actually voted you
Of the minority votes, about 80% did not vote for BJP but you.
Yes you, for they wanted a change, they trusted you.
How can you leave when Goa really needed you?
Earlier you said ‘ you got me elected for 5 years’
‘I am going nowhere, here I belong’
Were you not aware of the fact that Nation is bigger than State then?
Listen to your conscious,
Go Parrikar go.


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