My dream of a ‘zero waste’ Goa 

Posted: 16 Jun 2010 02:52 AM PDT

Based in Goa, where piles of waste are causing disease to spread, Clinton Vaz 
is passionate about finding solutions to the city’s increasing environmental 
problems. Whether it is his efforts to create a recycling culture or organising 
various grassroots campaigns to save local wildlife (he currently champions the 
‘Save the Frogs’ campaign to protect Goa’s endangered frog population), he 
works to raise vital awareness of Goa’s green issues. Below he talks about his 
plans for a cleaner Goa, and the ways in which he is working towards this.

At the moment my priorities include putting together a hazardous waste policy 
in Goa to separate and dispose of electronic waste, batteries and bio-medical 
waste. With Goa’s current garbage crisis, we need public watchdogs to ensure 
that these systems are followed. I’d also like to see an end to the dumping of 
e-waste from the West, labelled misleadingly as “unprocessed raw material”.

My aim is to establish a low-cost, low-tech and sustainable waste management 
system that looks nice, doesn’t cause problems and runs on its own. We can all 
do this with individual or community composting units and a recycling bin 
system that pays for itself when sorted out in local communities.

My dream is to see a “zero waste” Goa, and so far we are doing well. Despite 
our problems, Panjim now recycles almost 85% of its waste. Compare that to 
Europe where only about 36% of waste is recycled and saved from going into 
landfill, according to the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural 

Courtesy: guardian
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