Was just wondering if anyone would know where I could find a list of
 the members of the Goa Legislative Consultative Council ... dating
 back to the early 'sixties. FN

 Initially the liberated territory was under the army administration of
 Lt. Gen. Candeth, the Military Governor who was assisted by the Chief
 Civil Administrator. On 8th June, 1962, the Military Government gave
 place to civil rule. The Lt. Governor formed an informal Consultative
 Council consisting of 29 nominated members to assist him in the
 administration of the territory. This Council was inaugurated on 24
 September, 1962. The metting of the Council was open to public.
 Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Ym/Gmailtalk: fredericknoronha
 http://fn.goa-india.org     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9970157402

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