The Goan Association of New Jersey (GOANJ) Social Calendar

The Goan Association of New Jersey (GOANJ) will be holding a
Spring Dance on Saturday, May 31 at the Parish Center of Our Lady
of Peace Church in North Brunswick, New Jersey.

Fresh from their highly  successful performance at the Maryland GOA
New Year's Eve dance, the newly-formed  New Jersey band - the
"PRISM"-led by Brian Barretto- will be in  attendance. Brian will
also "double" as the nite's DJ during the band "break".

A special feature at this year's event will be a dance competition
in three categories.  Very attractive monetary prizes will be given 
away to the top three winners.

The  members only annual picnic will be held on Saturday, July 12 
at the Princeton Country Club in West Windsor. The picnic spot has
been given a great "face-lift" and last year more than 345 people 
attended the event.

But the association's highlight of the year will be the Christmas
Ball at the Ukranian Cultural Center in Somerset on Saturday,
December 20.

Over the past three years, the popular Toronto band - the "Naked
Flame"  led by Joe Rebello - has played to packed crowds, and there
is a possibility that they will be featured this year. 

The dance will be preceeded by the Children's Christmas  Tree party
at a date and location  to be decided. An Adult Catholic Retreat 
will be held on September 21 in Princeton  to be followed by a  Whist
Drive "Seven Hands" cards tournament in October at a date and
location yet to be decided.


Tony Barros.
Union, New Jersey.

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