By Valmiki Faleiro

Pedro Paulo de Souza was a legend in his lifetime. He monopolized imports of 
to Goa. The Portuguese had brought the tobacco plant to India from the Americas 
1560. Goa’s soil was unsuitable, so it was grown on the plains of the Deccan 
But, like some other plant species the Portuguese brought from various corners 
of the
globe – that were propagated by Garcia de Orta in his gardens in the ‘Praças de 
(colonies around Bombay) – India-grown tobacco could not match world standards.

Pedro Paulo (PP) imported the best of Brazilian and Virginian tobacco. PP was a 
tall but sprightly man who traveled, as the more adventurous did those days – 
the late
19th century – on horseback. The story of how he built a vast land-estate is 
amazing. I
heard it from Goa’s Senior Counsel, Adv. Manohar Usgaonkar, during the course 
of a
professional consultation. Usgaonkar has a prodigious memory. What he recalled 
his childhood helped his clients, and us, solve a mystery.

Together with a friend, Jyoti Konkar, I was buying a property from Melita Pinto 
Rosario and her husband, Fernando, of Porvorim. Melita was PP’s granddaughter. 
land, where Nestle’s KitKat factory stands today in Usgao, admeasured some 
sq. metres. It comprised of several erstwhile comunidade leases (‘Aforamentos.’)

Problem was the sum area of the leases fell short by some 25,000 m2 of the 
aggregate area. Hence the meeting with Usgaonkar, the Vendors’ advocate. He 
told us
the story of Pedro Paulo and suggested we search the comunidade Register of 
armed with a list of names of PP’s close relatives. The mystery soon unraveled.

PP, it seems, had a plan, a dream. From the moment his horse set out from his 
house in
Aldona, for the weekly market in Ponda, he wanted it to trot all the way only 
through land
that belonged to him. He wanted to acquire a broad corridor of contiguous 
right from his Aldona gateposts to the market of Ponda!

How could one achieve such a seemingly impossible dream? PP was a resourceful 
When import consignments arrived at his warehouses, he had the biggest and the 
tobacco leaves set aside while being sorted. The prized leaves were never put 
on sale,
even at a premium. Their value: beyond money.

On his weekly horseback visits to Ponda, PP would carry a bagful of his prized 
While returning, he would stop at the house of a Comunidade president of a 
village en
route, and present his priceless ‘saguade’ (gift.)

“Bhatkara,” he would then exclaim, “I have no much land in your village that I 
so love!”
Promptly, several ‘Alvaras de Aforamento de terreno’ (lease deeds of comunidade 
granted on payment of an annual fee or ‘foro’) would then start getting 
Agricultural leases could be granted upto a maximum area of 30,000 m2 per 
lease. PP’s
grandiose plan necessitated not a few but a multiplicity of leases, which he 
got, thanks to
his prized tobacco leaves, in the names of himself and his family members, in 
along the route from Aldona to Ponda.

‘Aforamentos’ by law could be remitted with a down payment of 20 years’ lease 
fees, to
turn the land freehold. PP remitted them all and built a huge estate of private 
He might not have realized his dream in full, where his horse, from Aldona to 
strutted exclusively through his land, by the time he breathed his last on Nov. 
23, 1907.

To get an idea of the kind of estate he built, consider this. In the Inventory 
at the Senior Division Court at Mapusa in 1973, sixty-six years after he died, 
the portion
of the estate as yet unsold by his descendants listed several properties ... in 
the villages
of Pale, Usgao and Surla – all on his horseback route between Aldona and Ponda. 
one of these properties in Usgao that I know, was worth Rs.1.20 crore in 1993. 
that by ten for today’s value.

PS: Never knew Goan coconut trees sprouted “branches” that “decided to do a 
salsa” on
overhead power lines, plunging IFFY into darkness. Thought our coconut trees 
ramrod straight. Got this gem from the Editor of a tabloid another Editor 
described as
“taxi” journalism – yellow and black. (More on Goan Editors another day.) The 
bloke who
discovered coconut trees with branches was crying about never being invited on 
a jaunt
to Cannes. Goan journalism, ah! Must check from my Malayalee friends if there’s 
long-lost breed of coconut that grew branches in Kerala, ha! (ENDS)

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the December 2, 2007 edition of the Herald, Goa

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