Aires is a great Goan patriot.  He calls it like it is.  No 
embellishments.....just the facts !His bravery and outspokenness are  
legendary.  I worry about his personal safety though.He was attacked once, 
severely, and was hospitalized..  As he comes close to the powers that be who 
rule Goa, anything can happen.  I fervently hope that his popularity will 
protect him fromanything untoward happening to him.  He is still at risk 
though.  Let us raise our voices in support of Aires.  His is a lonely fight.  
He needs our support and help.

      From: "" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 8:08 PM
 Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 333
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Today's Topics:

  1. Israel?s long-standing Goa connections (Times of India,
      14/07/2017) (V M)
  3. LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE? (Stephen Dias)
  4. Re: THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG (Venantius J Pinto)
  5. Re: Goa news for July 4, 2017 (armstrong augusto vaz)
  6. Goacom Newsclips on 04 July 2017 (goacom newsclips)
  7. The Environment Is Not a Vote Bank! (Joao Barros-Pereira)
  8. A history lesson for the Tatas (and Indigo) as they consider
      buying out Air India (eric pinto)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 08:07:56 +0530
From: V M <>
To: V M <>
Subject: [Goanet] Israel?s long-standing Goa connections (Times of
    India, 14/07/2017)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Narendra Modi breaks new diplomatic ground yet again this week as he
becomes the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Israel. There is huge
symbolism involved, but also the cementing of very real strategic and
trade links. It has been just 25 years since the two countries formed
diplomatic ties for the first time, but in that relatively brief
period India has become by far the biggest client of Israel's
sophisticated defence industry. Meanwhile, there is an increasingly
robust travel industry connecting the two countries, with Goa as one
of its main hubs. Every year, tens of thousands of Israelis visit
India's smallest state, while sizeable numbers of "Holy Land pilgrims"
journey in the opposite direction. Both sets of travellers are
retracing ancient connections that have linked their homelands for at
least 2,000 years.

Judaism has very deep roots in the Konkan and Malabar coasts of
western India, which sustained millennia of lucrative trade with the
Middle East. The community in Kerala (aka "Cochin Jews") almost
certainly dates to the time of King Solomon, 3,000 years ago. Until
the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century, they lived free of
prejudice under the special fiat of Hindu kings. Meanwhile, another
separate community (aka "Bene Israelis") flourished in villages and
towns throughout the Konkan. This week, Narendra Modi will address a
gathering of thousands of Indian-Israelis, whose forebears migrated
from India's western coastline to participate in the building of the
new Zionist state.

What about Goa's ancient Jewish roots? They are somewhat masked,
because of two centuries of inquisitorial intolerance. In fact,
scholars like H O Mascarenhas suggest Judaism was a significant
presence in Goa for many centuries before the colonial conquest. In
parts of Tiswadi there are tanks that look very much like Jewish
baptismal baths. In Siridao, the village chapel hints at a previous
life as a synagogue. But those links are barely understood, because
the Portuguese came to efface and impose their own beliefs.
Ironically, when Albuquerque sailed up the Mandovi, he found Adil
Shah's navy commanded by a Polish Jew (who was promptly converted, and
later achieved fame as the interpreter Gaspar da Gama).

Goa's earlier links with Judaism may be opaque, but there is no doubt
the new Estado da India Portuguesa quickly became home to thousands of
Jews as the Inquisition brewed darkly in Europe. Several of them
became important culture brokers and intermediaries. The historian
Jonathan Gil Harris writes, "A number of migrants came to Goa less as
colonists than as covert religious refugees...habituated to
underground lives in the countries they had escaped, and therefore
comfortable at a safe distance from European religious and political
authority, these refugees sometimes forged stronger ties with local
peoples, languages and customs than they did with other Portuguese."

By far the most important of these figures was Garcia de Orta, the
towering giant of intellectual history, whose charming, idiosyncratic
1563 treatise on India's tropical plants and medicines immediately
became a standard scientific text. Along with Vasco da Gama and
Camoes, the scholar is now treated as a Portuguese national hero. But
that is a relatively recent phenomenon. Though he died before the
Inquisition was imported into Goa, his sister Catarina was still
alive. Under torture, she confessed her family maintained its faith in
"the law of Moses" for which she was burned alive. Her brother's
remains were then exhumed, and similarly consigned to the flames of an
auto-da-fe. Many Jews in Goa suffered similar fates.

It is important to note that the Portuguese episode is the only time
Judaism in India ever faced persecution. This is a matter of
civilizational pride. After all, it is precisely the constant
recurrence of atrocities in so many other places that makes Israel
such an important ? indeed existential ? issue for the Jewish peoples.
But there is even more to this potentially remarkable relationship.
While sympathetic to Israel, to its immense credit India has also been
one of the firmest friends the Palestinian cause ever had. Just last
month, Prime Minister Modi hosted the Palestinian president Mahmoud
Abbas in New Delhi. In addition, India has superb working relations
across the region ? this state visit to Israel comes only after Modi
has already dropped in to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and the UAE.

These are extraordinary circumstances, which make India different.
What is more, the connections with Israel have multiplied organically
no matter which party has been in power in either country. They are
not a partisan issue, while being massively mutually beneficial. It is
true there is plenty of reason to be cautious about uncritically
importing an inappropriate security state model to India's highly
complex social environment. But this is a time-honoured cultural and
social bond that definitely deserves an exciting new chapter.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 10:51:50 +0530
From: Stephen Dias <>
To: Sujay Gupta <>, editor <>
Cc: chief secretary goa <>,    "Michael- Manager Herald."
    <>,    donraulfernandes
    <>,    commissioner <>,,    manoharparrikar <>,
    mridula sinha <>,    Sidharth Kuncalienkar mob
    <>,    secretary herald <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


I was a Herald citizen journalist and many of my issues pertaining to
Panjim were published and most of them were taken cognizance of by the CCP
and the Government and even the Court, thanks to Herald.  After that all of
a sudden, for reasons not known I was shunted out and most of my complaints
for Panjim were not considered or published.
I have no issues but many people ask me why I do not write to Herald as
they used to appreciate all my letters but now see them very rarely - only
once in a month or two months - that too if I am  lucky.
Today, I decided once again to send some photos to Herald because I read
today ( 4th July)  the complete story of Miramar - Dona Paula upto Raj
Bhavan which was covered by your good reporter/s.
I have still hopes that my contribution to Herald will be appreciated and
considered by the Management.
Let me give two set of complaints which may be taken up one by one at the
discretion of Editor. In case it is not published in the Citizen journalist
page then I will seek other newspapers help, as I am very much active for
Panjim woes as I am a watch dog similar to the watchdogs watching over the
GF alliance with the BJP.

CCP has been telling the Panjimites that some Gaddas are approved and were
allowed to stand in Miramar area or designated places but what we see is
that they are on the footpaths at Miramar, and a number of vehicles park on
the roads with two or three laning. Also I happened to see a number of
gaddas (I don't know whether they are also approved or not) selling their
stuff inside the children park area near Panjim Municipal garden or church
square just opposite to Kamat Hotel. In Portuguese times we had a Municipal
building there which was later razed. Also one single migrant gadda is
permanently seen at the Caranzalem garden footpath, whereas some gaddas in
Caranzalem and Dona Paula owned by Goans were not allowed. Such
discrimination should not be permitted.
Photos are attached

                                    SLABS FOR GUTTERS ARE INADEQUATE

I have seen number of covers/slabs which are fitted for gutters in Panjim
to ensure that any plastic material, dirt or mud does not enter into the
gutters. Unfortunately these are not adequate in design. The photos show
that there are varieties in design from the engineering point of view.
These need to redesigned so that the Mayor and MLA does not have to waste
their time supervising the work. (I keep looking photos of them in the
newspapers supervising this work)
The gaps are so wide in some places that I have seen tourists stuffing
things into them. Also mosquitoes are breeding and spreading. This is a
malaria/dengue hazard. Health authorities are not paying attention.
Every three months in a year I feel that the CCP has to open up these slabs
which currently are very heavy and make it a difficult task for the
workers. Lots of expenses are incurred for the purpose. To avoid such
wastage of funds, the civil engineering experts must study and find out
some solution so that Panjim is kept clean.
Please see the photos of variety of slabs/covers.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula / Panjim resident
Date 4th July 2017

Note: Herald is free to Edit if required.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 06:37:40 +0530
From: Stephen Dias <>
To: shashwat gupta ray <>,    Alexandre Moniz Barbosa
Cc: Sujay Gupta <>,    donraulfernandes
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"



stephen dias


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2017 19:38:50 -0400
From: Venantius J Pinto <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Cc: goanet <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] THE CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Virtual goondas?! Surely, virtually, as goondas.
Ooh, and there was a dalal too!
Please someone put this in a novel. Can?t make this up.

And you had to use the word stoic for them. Surely they weren't overcoming
any destructive proclivitives.

Nhuim fog pun khoro uzzo petoitat. Kosli hi khoroz!

When in doubt go Konkani: bandits >> bamtte (politicians). But never call
them netas.

?Venantius J Pinto

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 12:25 PM, Aires Rodrigues <>

> A very  senior BJP leader on condition of anonymity has today revealed that
> the July 1st BJP National President Amit Shah?s  unlawful public meeting at
> Goa?s Dabolim Airport was meticulously pre-planned four  days earlier while
> maintaining total secrecy knowing that such a meeting was prohibited by
> law. That Airport public meeting was therefore not included in Amit Shah?s
> two day Goa itinerary which was circulated in advance to the press.
> With Amit Shah scheduled to arrive at 11.15 am, the officials of the
> Electricity department and the PWD were there at 9.30 am to quickly set up
> the stage, red carpet and the sound system. Even the Vasco Joint Mamlatdar
> Vimod Dalal was infact directed a day earlier to be present at the Airport
> on 1st July to maintain law and order at that public meeting.
> So despite all this, how does the very devious BJP today have the audacity
> to claim that the meeting was spontaneous and the arrangements were made at
> the last minute by the party workers?
> In trying to defend its sinful act, the BJP is now getting caught in a web
> of lies. The BJP and Amit Shah owe an apology to the nation for having
> acted as cowboys and virtual goondas in total violation of law. For abusing
> power and authority they should be punished in accordance with law. Power
> in the hands of such bandits is disastrous and catastrophic.
> The stoic silence by Vijai Sardesai and Rohan Khaunte on this very sad and
> sordid saga is deafening. On 11th March while mating the saffron brigade
> they had vowed to be very watchful dogs if the BJP ever abused power.  Goa
> and Goans will not put up with this Fot, Foting and Fotingponn.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar ? Goa ? 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>                          Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 12:49:31 +0300
From: armstrong augusto vaz <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa news for July 4, 2017
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Is this Goa related news or google need pertaining to USA

On Jul 4, 2017 9:42 AM, "Goanet News Service" <> wrote:

> Goa News from Google News and
> Visit for the full stories.
> *** Court Blocks EPA Effort to Suspend Obama-Era Methane Rule -
> New York Times
> rilling rig near Midland, Tex. A federal appeals courts said on
> Monday that the E.P.A. must comply with an existing rule to
> limit methane emissions from oil and gas wells. Credit Ernest
> Scheyder/Reuters. WASHINGTON ” Dealing another legal blow
> ...
> AFQjCNHWTZfNszHi6V8-f-f-k4ULUe9UtQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779546348239&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> epa-effort-to-suspend-obama-era-methane-rule.html
> *** Dem: Trump will show 'weakness' if he doesn't bring up
> election meddling with Putin - The Hill
> utin-handshake-machismo-meeting-631410">Who is the 'Bigger' Man?
> Trump and Putin Handshake Will Bring 'An Olympian Level of Macho
> Posturing'
> AFQjCNHPMKfjdg0sIZ0zRnxLG8eey_e1kA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779547132928&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=http:
> //
> trump-would-show-weakness-if-he-doesnt-bring-up-election-meddling
> *** Christie doubles down ” again ” with no apologies
> - Politico
> efends-use-of-beach-closed-to-public-amid-shutdown/2017/07/
> 03/a816e4ea-5ff1-11e7-80a2-8c226031ac3f_story.html">Christie
> feels the heat politically after a day at the beach
> AFQjCNHICzQig2Tkvy2QjiF5yXrqL_on4g&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779545582381&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=http:
> //
> christies-private-beach-jaunt-becomes-latest-scandal-113204
> *** Three More States Refuse Trump Commission's Voter Data
> Request - U.S. News & World Report
> p to vote early at the San Diego County Elections Office in San
> Diego, California, U.S., November 7, 2016. REUTERS/Mike
> Blake/File Photo Reuters. By Ian Simpson.
> AFQjCNGf8sa7GWCDWd8Ks3971i17i3YpcQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779546777652&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> three-more-states-refuse-trump-commissions-voter-data-request
> *** CNN, Chris Christie, Tesla: Your Monday Briefing - New York
> Times
> p.) Good morning. Here's what ...
> UNLivpZfMAal066QC034InW5Q&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779546573260&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> *** Taxi jumps curb at Boston airport, injuring 10 cabbies - ABC
> News
> m8yhrO1aDbbvHzwXDjwMQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779547206297&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04
> AFQjCNFaWJXuXReC0lMlVhvnrIiSee1Nxg&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779547206297&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=http:
> //
> pedestrians-boston-airport-48421174
> *** Tesla's Model 3, its mass-market car, expected to roll off
> factory floor Friday - Washington Post
> waited electric car that's priced for the mass market is
> expected to roll ...
> tFBu8eRcHOftQ9OPPuvOLXQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779546820550&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> 07/03/teslas-model-3-its-mass-market-car-expected-to-roll-
> off-factory-floor-friday/
> *** Trump and Pope Weigh In on Case of UK Child on Life Support
> - New York Times
> 6vhxgAhcQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52779546025822&ei=
> 6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> news/worldviews/wp/2017/07/03/trump-vows-to-help-charlie-
> gard-the-british-infant-courts-say-should-be-allowed-to-die/">Trump
> vows to help Charlie Gard, the terminally ill infant at center
> of British legal battle
> LZllKzk6tsgxFSTpaD2guAg&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779546025822&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> pope-francis-charlie-gard.html
> *** In Sun King's palace, Macron threatens to ram through
> parliament reform - Reuters
> rance-parliament-speech.html">In Lofty Versailles Speech, Macron
> Tells the French to Prepare for Change
> U4vM4rP46MuHEQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b8983
> 31&cid=52779546068846&ei=6NJaWdjEJZCR3QGokb04&url=
> article/us-france-politics-idUSKBN19O1AN
> Compiled by Goanet News Service


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 12:07:19 +0000 (UTC)
From: goacom newsclips <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 04 July 2017
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Goacom Newsclips

Borim locals seek action against trouble-makers
The Borim locals have submitted memorandum to Ponda PI Sudesh Naik seeking 
intervention to curb activities that disturb the peace and tranquillity of the 
area, besides keeping it litter-free,
Click here to read more...?

Tree poses danger at Curchorem
A huge tree that stands tall near the railway footbridge, behind the 
newly-constructed public toilets poses a threat to the passersby and nearby 
Click here to read more...?

Vasco traffic cops fine 300 vehicles for violating ?No Entry? notification
In an enforcement drive against traffic violations, the Vasco Traffic Cell 
officials in last few days have fined around 300 taxis and other vehicles
Click here to read more...?

The Road That Could Now Kill
The much talked about Miramar-Dona Paula road is once again in a mess with 
several manholes, cracks being developed posing serious threat to the 
commuters, especially at night and the monsoons.
Click here to read more...?

The best time to be in the driving seat
This time of year usually brings out the romantic in most people living in Goa, 
with the weather often giving one, what has been termed by ?the millenials? as, 
?the feels?.
Click here to read more...?

New Ravindra Bhavan council takes charge
Prashant Naik, the new chairperson of Ravindra Bhavan, Margao along with the 
members of the newly elected general council took charge on Monday.
Click here to read more...?

Transport Dept for facilitation centres at panchayats
Transport Department will propose that the government have facilitation centres 
at the panchayat level for the effective implementation of the online services 
of the department.
Click here to read more...?

?Science Express? to halt at Goa
The state will play host to the ?Science Express? a special innovative mobile 
science exhibition train from July 11 to July 13.
Click here to read more...?

Govt looks to double Saligao WTP capacity
In a major decision, Goa Waste Management Corporation (GWMC) has resolved to 
enhance the garbage handling and treatment capacity of the State-of-the-art 
solid waste treatment plant (SWTP)
Click here to read more...?

Mhadei hearing to resume today
The long-drawn tussle between Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka over the usage of 
water from Mhadei river will resume
Click here to read more...?

Click below link to read more articles


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 23:02:15 +0900
From: Joao Barros-Pereira <>
To: goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] The Environment Is Not a Vote Bank!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Nitin Gadkari has joked how we Goans fear the Central government is
going to take our rivers to Delhi. No joke, this! Bad joke, sir. Shows
you have no love for Goa or India. Sad. Very sad.

What makes it super easy for a politician to speak glibly about our
rivers when they are a health threat to Goans and people from all over
India who visit Goa as well as international tourists?

Our rivers can be likened to our mothers as they nourish us. And, they
are dying! Is this a joke? Something to laugh about? Only a man who
has no love in his heart for his country's environment can enjoy this
type of sick humor, and make a joke of our dying rivers!

Scientists inform us our rivers are dangerous and polluted, and we
should not swim in them. Maybe Nitin Gadkari and friends of his brave
new world on their next trip to Goa would like to take a dip in our
polluted rivers, especially River Sal - the most dangerous?  Parties
in the past have been held on a bridge above the health-threatening
waters. Next time, how about in the water?

No swimming in our rivers in white underwear, please, as it goes
against our culture.

Also, no bikinis! After all, Delhi is a distance away from Goan
culture and waters and is a well known place for endless rapes of our
Indian women.

A bikini could cause a major catastrophe in Goa.

I repeat, the environment Is not a vote bank. The only language a
politician speaks and understands is the language of vote banks. And,
there is no exception to this rule.


Message: 8
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 10:29:02 +0000 (UTC)
From: eric pinto <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] A history lesson for the Tatas (and Indigo) as they
    consider buying out Air India
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 12, Issue 333


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