Tell me all this drama-comedy surrounding the CM’s serious medical condition 
doesn’t remind you of a strict grandmother in the kitchen struck by a serious 
illness but still wanting to maintain complete control on what goes on there.

The daughter-in-law places one spice tin out of it’s usual place and there goes 
the booming voice of grandma from the bed: “Didn’t I tell you that only the  
bawarchi (cook) can touch those spice boxes?”

Poor Deputy Chief Minister. His post should mean that he takes over if the CM 
is unable to discharge his functions. Imagine his chagrin on being told that he 
is one of three who can take decisions and if there is an emergency a fourth 
will be appointed superseding the other three, from the room of an American 

Francis D’Souza, his self-respect already in tatters with all these confidence 
destroying decisions, should do the only decent thing available to him: RESIGN.

Roland Francis

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