 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R
Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
            Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

    A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:

Death descended slyly on a dark Friday afternoon on
January 24, 1997 drawing curtains on a period of
wondrous creativity and tremendous personal growth.
Maestro Lourdino Barreto, music's international
superstar, was dead. A beautiful innings cut short
prematurely leaving a vacuum that can, at best, only
be regrettably felt by music connoisseurs. 

Fr. Lourdino was born with an 'inner feeling' for
music on February 11, 1938 at Galgibag, a sleepy
village in South Goa. From a rural youth, fond of
tickling the ivories, he went on to become a
formidable musicologist with international acclaim. At
a World Congress organised in Rome for conductors and
maestros, Fr. Barreto was described as "the best
musicologist to the east of the Suez canal."

A graduate cum laude in Gregorian chant, composition
and piano, he earned his doctorate for his thesis
"Aesthetics in Indian Music" and attempted a synthesis
of western classical and Indian music. His creative
interpretation of Western and Indian music and
integration of the two musical lineages in
contemporary score through his mastery of the
interpretation was highly appreciated in scholastic

The first traces of Fr. Barreto's brilliance in music
were seen in the auditoriums of the Pontifical
Institute for Sacred Music and the Conservatoire in
Rome in the late sixties. He taught music in the minor
and major seminaries of the Archdiocese of Goa. He
also served as the president of the Goa Diocesan
Commission for Sacred Music.

His works, some of them based on Indian ragas, have
been performed by various orchestras and musical
ensembles in cities like Rome, Lisbon, Baltimore,
Buenos Aires and many others. Some of the performances
even graced the STAR TV network. He has also given
organ, violin and piano recitals in Italy,
Switzerland, Austria, England and the United Stated of

The astounding depth of his legacy unfolds across a
variety of genres. It moved from the sacred to the
secular, from the stage to study, from the flambouyant
to the sublime. With his expertise in contraptual and
chromatic harmony he made revolutionary forms of
executions that drew him worldwide acclaim.        

As a modern conductor he took music to a new high both
culturally and otherwise. The world took notice and so
did the then government. In 1977 the then chief
minister and chairperson of Kala Academy, Mrs
Shashikala Kakodkar, in a letter to the Bishop wrote
seeking the services of Fr. Barreto as director of
western music department of Goa's Kala Academy:
"Permit Fr. Barreto to accept the said post, his
services in the field of western music will be very
beneficial to Goans and he will certainly create a
good name for the Academia on the cultural map of
India…." He accepted the post and thousands of
students were trained in music under his guidance till
his untimely death.

While in service he formed the Goa Philharmonic Choir
(GPC). Besides staging operettas and Broadway
musicals, his Choir participated in international
choir festivals in Rome and other European cities. An
audiocassette of his music interpreted under his baton
by the GPC was released only a month before his death.
Some of the unforgettable performances under his
musical direction were: Sound of Music, Oliver Twist,
Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady and Orphaeus in the

Fr. Barreto made significant contribution to Goan folk
music. He brought Konkani sacred music to
international standards through his outstanding
composition and choral arrangement. His inspired
treatment of Dogi Tegi Beatini (a Konkani dulpod) is a
delight. Again his highly intricate Raghupati Raghav
Rajaram is an experience that borders on the sublime.

On the academic front Fr. Lourdino was the Chairman of
the Board of Studies for western music of Goa
University and an advisor to the Government of India
for the formation of Army, Navy and Air Force bands
across the country. Thanks to Fr. Lourdino, music was
added as an optional subject from std. VII to XII for
which he himself prepared the textbooks.

All said Fr. Barreto's life should not be seen as a
one-piece orchestra. He was a keen footballer and a
sports lover. He was one of the founders of the
Galgibaga Sports Club and St Anthony's High School,
Galgibaga. He also wrote several articles and books.

The Vincent Xavier Verodiano Award was posthumously
conferred on Fr. Barreto recently. Ironically, the
state government is yet to honour Fr. Barreto for his
services, leave alone his genius.

Honours or no honours, the legend lives. Etched in the
collective memory is the image of Fr. Barreto as a
tall, strikingly handsome and imposing figure. For the
connoisseurs of music, however, this musicologist will
remain a towering genius who put Goa on a new pedestal
in the international music arena. 

  Anthony M Barreto aka Tony Martin 
  Freelance Writer and Author 
Galgibaga, Canacona, Goa -- 403728
M: 9422390701 R: 91-0832-2632012

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