Happy Christmas everyone on GoaNet, (ie the World Wide Virtual Network of the World Wide Goan Nation).

Greetings from, this year an unseasonable mild, Canada. I'm looking outside, and there is no snow.

If all goes well, I'll soon be visiting Goa and Mumbai for the first time in 40 years.

Your feedback is valuable to me as it will help me plan my trip.

Top 3-5 List Contest:
Tell me what are your 3-5 Top things to do, to experience, places to visit, people to meet, in Goa (or Mumbai)?

What are the gems? Who were winners this year? Who were the losers? And what about the future, what to what to, good or bad, what should we be looking out for? Books? Yes! Include your Goa related book list.

I don't want to be relying too heavily on the VBloggers on YouTube alone.

Funny, unexpectedly good, bad, or insane...I'd like to know your best of or worst of lists. Be sure to add some context.

Prizes of the best lists:
Yes. There are some for the very best efforts. Winners, I'll send you something special and uniquely Canadian.

-- Please post your List on GoaNet for all to see
-- Entries accepted world-wide
-- Of course, you can make it a longer top-ten list
-- Yes, you can submit many lists with different ... but for prizes, quality rather than quantity counts

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

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