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Headley could be 'double agent' of US agencies, Lashkar
PTI 15 December 2009, 07:53pm IST

NEW DELHI: Indications that US terror suspect David Headley could have been
a "double agent" for American agencies and Pakistan-based outfits have
become clearer for Indian investigators with mounting evidence coming their

Top official sources said that there is a strong suspicion that US agency
CIA knew about Headley's link with Lashkar-e-Taiba one year before Mumbai
attack but did not convey it when he was freely travelling across India. 

The investigators believe that the US agencies kept away the information
from India and never allowed the Pakistani- origin Headley to get "exposed".

The 39-year old terror suspect, arrested by FBI for his role in Mumbai
attacks, had visited India in March 2009 -- four months after Mumbai attack
carried out by LeT -- but FBI still did not inform India that Headley is a
LeT operative, apparently fearing he could be arrested in India. 

The sources said that they apprehended that if Headley got less punishment
in court then India would have a reasonable ground to believe that Headley
was a US agent and also working for LeT. 

It could also add credence to the belief that there was a plea bargain
between Headley and US agencies. 

Sources said if Headley gets a jail term of just two to four years then
India will press for his extradition after he serves his sentence. 

During his multiple visits to India, Headley had spent a lot of money
running into lakhs of rupees through credit cards issued by American banks
and in fake Indian currency, believed to have been brought from Pakistan. 

Indian investigators were now trying to find out who had paid his credit
card bills in the American banks. 

The sources said the US agencies gave Indian authorities two inputs about
possible terror attack before 26/ 11 -- in September and October 2008. On
both the occasions, the LeT aborted their missions at the last minute. 

During their discussions, FBI officials told Indian investigators that
Headley does not want to be questioned by Indian investigators, raising
suspicion that the US agency does want him to be questioned by India. 

Sources said now the Indian investigators will be able to question Headley
only after filing a chargesheet against him in connection with Mumbai attack

About Headley's accomplice, Pakistani-Canadian Tahawwur Hussain Rana,
sources said during his visit to Mumbai he did lots of shopping -- sarees,
pants, shirts -- but left behind everything. 

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