It appears that selective raids are increasingly being carried out on non
BJP politicians and their relatives at critical junctures before a
political event or to discredit someone. The BJP says that the agencies are
just doing their job as there is too much corruption and if they are
innocent, they can prove it in court! The opposition maintains this is all
politically motivated or a witch hunt and points out that hardly anyone
from the BJP or any of those that have jumped ship and joined them are
targeted! People are aware from bitter experience that the system is such
that no matter how honest, a person may have sometime had to break the
rules, also maybe selectively applied to them to survive! Therefore going
back years in time to now apply draconian laws like UAPA, PMLA etc which
permits the procedures to be the punishment, court convictions being
dismally low, an atmosphere of fear prevails. Justice is seen to be
coloured when 11 convicts of 2002 horrible communal riots being rapists and
murderers of the worst kind convicted for life, are given remission seen
being garlanded and given sweets like heros reportedly by the VHP!
Even television anchors like  Arnab Gowaswami have boldly spoken out
horrified by this misuse of the law. Hate speeches also prevail. The
Supreme Court has accepted a PIL and hopefully justice will prevail in all

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