Three time BJP corporator Menino Da Cruz told media that after serving BJP for 
around 15 years, he and his supporters are joinning the Congress "to save and 
preserve his and his supporters self respect". He is of the opinion that the 
downfall of the BJP has started since ursurping power by horse trading and 
unethicle means. He is being polite, because the hypocracy and wrong use of 
state power and money especially in these Covid days is dividing the nation and 
corrupting the electorate. I am disappointed in our people for behaving like 
sheep. At the Bengal elections, I was seeing live on TV  around 1000 women 
voters in same design saffron sarees, BJP caps and some with badges stating 
party volunteer, telling the reporter that Modi is our God, and he has kept us 
safe by keeping Pakistan and China at bay. With that sort of organization and 
money, who can win against God? During the second Corona wave, huge road shows 
endangering our nation's lives by not following Covid protocal led by the 
countries highest authorities! Win elections and rule at any cost? Foul 
language and no holds barred campaign! The EC takes no action. What is going on 
especially in Calcutta with police use of lathi/firing, deaths, booth 
capturing, EVMs mishandlng etc makes bad democratic elections and governance. 
1000 people are fined in Ponda alone for not wearing masks. Netas, road shows, 
Khumb mela etc are exempt? This is endangering our whole nation from within! 
Wither equitable justice? Margao Consumer forum had to tell Electricity 
Department that it is expected to withstand the scrutiny of public 
accountability by awarding Rs2,500/- to the consumer for unacceptable frequent 
power interuptions! Central government terms oversight when quickly due 
elections, reversing the planned lowering of interest which is already low on 
small savings. Never mind the high prices and assault on lives of vulnerable 
and senior citizens, BJP government  regardless quickly wants to make ours a 
borrowing economy from a saving economy!

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