Illegalities In Ore Transportation

Illegal mining has been in the news for a long time and the Shah Commission 
report is due to be tabled in parliament on the 1st of December. If the 
indications go their way then a lot of our political bigwigs could be in the 
slammer in just a few days and we all hope that the very same yardstick applied 
to the Reddy's in Karnataka is applied to our Goan politicians.

As a result of illegal mining, some reliable sources have stated that our Goan 
treasury has been nicked off more than ten thousand crores in the last five 
years alone and every one thought that these investigations would put an end to 
the prevailing illegal mining activity but only if it was true.

Last week just on the heels of the Shah Commission leaving for Delhi it all 
started again. Worried about the impact of the Shah Commission report the mines 
dependent people showed their strength on the streets of Panjim and in the 
river Mandovi and even through different appeals made in the print media with 
hands joined and while stating their case they pleaded to let legal mining be 
allowed to continue so that they do not starve.

Unfortunately the very same mines dependent people have been involved in 
transporting ore that is unaccounted for and undocumented and as such hundred 
and eleven trucks have been seized so far, for different transport violations, 
ranging from over weighing of vehicles to not carrying the weighing tickets 
that they are suppose to carry. Now who are responsible for this illegal trade 
? Is it the mine owners or is it the transporters ? In either case it has to be 
the mines dependant people. Now the million dollar question is, should this 
daylight robbery by the mines dependant people be condoned  ?

So while they plead to do away with illegal mining they themselves help in 
illegal mining activity and it's high time that the authorities take immediate 
and firm action against those involved in illegal mining activities and imposed 
a total ban on mining in Goa till such time that our Authorities have a plan 
and a system in place that will account for every truck and every barge that 
carries ore out of the mining site and out of the port and work on a plan to 
totally phase out mining in Goa in the near future.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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