I made some silly mistakes towards the end of my contribution  I wrote

What can we reasonable fellows do ....who knows just like the French Revolution
...there may be Revolutions in Rajan,

Check out this guy, he has your earthquake covered!I have been following
him for a while now- It is quite fascinating to see all this seismic
activity and his prediction are almost always on the money.

2/27/2021 -- West Coast USA Earthquake activity -- Pacific seismic
unrest spreading
+ Europe moves

It is a question of my digits racing with the sluggish moving brain
.....there is a shortage of good  bananas in Makongo Juu.

:::>>>>This is what I wanted to write  There may be Revolutions in Modis
Empire in India, also in Brazil, perhaps in China ....But I am not took
keen on Revolutions or Wars, They bring worst guys.....Stalin, Kim.... They
lead to GAMBLING and Related Vices DRUGS, DRUNKARDS & DISASTER in Goa

So what can Simple folks like us do .....certainly not write legal briefs
....We have to think of New Strategies .... I write this because Tanzania
is also going through a Revolution....we denied that there was COVID 19,
Ignored WHO, ignored wearing masks .....The Church stepped in and advised
the faithful to wear masks and a small percentage did.

Tanzania  especially but East Africa generally is in a seismic dangerous
zone. Lake Tanganyika is more than 11 Kms deep    its in a fault, .....the
fault line spreads from Africa right into Germany ....

How many people in the net have experienced Earthquakes ....Put up your
hands !!!


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