For business, government and millions of ordinary people, proficiency
in English has come to be seen as a key to prosperity, but evidence
that this hope will be fulfilled is lacking, says David Graddol
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Wednesday January 20th 2010

"Unorganised" ambition ... the benefits of English to low-paid workers
are unproven Photograph: Deshakalyan Chowdhury/AFP

India will become the world’s most populous country within decades.
Already it has more children in its schools than China. And there is
now a huge and growing demand from parents from all social backgrounds
that their children learn English.

English may now be regarded as a key ingredient in India’s economic
success, but estimates of how many Indians actually know the language
lack credibility, with numbers ranging from 11 million to 350 million.
As with most things in India, English proficiency is distributed very
unevenly across the diverse socio-economic groups.

Because there is no assessment of spoken language proficiency in
education exams, there is no way of knowing what range of skill levels
exists in the population. But the reality is that English plays some
role in the lives of all Indians, even those who say they cannot speak
or read it.

One of the reasons for this great demand for English is the buzz
surrounding the Indian economy. Even in the last recessionary year,
India’s GDP is expected to grow by over 7%. Much of the recent Indian
economic surge has been driven by the technology and call-centre
sector, which has for the first time provided well-paid jobs for
anyone who can speak English – regardless of social background. This
started with the availability of low-cost, English-speaking graduates
working for large north American and European companies, but the
sector has matured rapidly and several ­Indian companies have now
emerged as global players.

But how much English is needed to support India’s continued economic
growth? Is the English-speaking talent pool running dry, as warnings
from Nasscom, the sector’s trade body, seem to suggest? Nasscom
complains that only 15% of engineering graduates in India are
“employable” – largely because they lack communication skills despite
completing English-medium degrees.

A Nasscom representative at a recent conference in Delhi spoke about
the need for the education sector to supply employers with
“ready-to-eat” graduates. This has started a lively debate about the
quality of the higher education sector (dominated by English-medium
institutions), but also about the proper role of education in Indian

Yet, when overall employment is analysed more closely, it turns out
that there have been remarkably few new jobs created in the whole of
the organised sector. India has achieved largely jobless economic
growth. Over 93% of the workforce works in the “unorganised” sector,
which consists largely of low-paid, insecure jobs. So the important
question facing India is whether English will help these hundreds of
millions of workers improve their standard of living.

Government ministers have made fine noises about the need to rapidly
expand the vocational education sector, and the need to include
English teaching as a key component. However, there is no sign yet of
much happening on the ground, not least of where the job opportunities
will be.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that a little English will help maids,
drivers and even a street beggar earn more, and that English helps
workers find jobs in neighbouring states. But there has been little
systematic research on the opportunities that English provides, or on
what kind of English such workers might need. Not, one imagines, the
mix of grammar and literature that has traditionally been taught in
Indian classrooms.

There are structural reasons for the slow expansion of jobs in
services – mostly connected with protectionist policies designed to
prevent hundreds of unskilled workers losing their jobs. Certain kinds
of manufacturing, for example, have to remain in the hands of the
small-scale, handicraft sector. Large-scale retail jobs have been slow
to appear, because of limits on foreign investment. The UK-based
supermarket business Tesco maintains a logistics centre in Bangalore
that services its global operations, but it has not been able to open
stores in India the way it has in China.

There are hints at what might happen if this sector is allowed to
grow. Perhaps nothing captures the spirit of the new, young, consuming
classes in India better than Coffee Day, a chain of coffee shops that
now reaches across India with 845 ­cafes in 128 cities. Coffee Day is
an ­Indian company that provides a glimpse of potential future
employment in the organised retail sector: employees are expected to
be able to deal with customers in English.

The fear is that if large chains emerge, they might provide thousands
of new retail sector-jobs, but they might put millions of small,
family-run stores out of business.

>From an educational perspective, it is easy to find reasons for not
investing in English. It is hugely expensive. It also distracts from
developing more basic needs in education: drinking water and toilets
in schools, teachers who actually turn up and spend their time wisely
in classrooms, improving enrolment and access to secondary schools,
and extending education in a child’s first language.

There is, above all, a huge practical problem: a lack of teachers who
speak English. Despite the emphasis now put on offering English to
young learners, teachers in lower-primary school are weakest at
English. In some states, only around 20% of teachers are thought to
have even a basic English competence.

India is a society in which English has long signified social status
and education. But as televisions reach into ever more homes, as
villages are ­connected by mobile phones and as new roads are built,
the English language washes even into rural back­waters. It symbolises
much more than the possibility of a better job: it ­provides a
potential escape from ­poverty and the oppression of a lower-caste
­village life.

A survey carried out by an Indian TV channel in the summer of 2009
found that 87% of Indians now “feel that knowledge of English is
important to succeed in life”. Success and English are now tied
together in the popular imagination across India.

David Graddol is a UK-based applied linguist and researcher. His study
of English language education in India, English Next – India,
commissioned by the British Council, is published this month

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