India cleanliness drive

Our P.M has taken up a very serious issue for the first time that has long
escaped attention of our politicians. Fortunately ,our Goa C.M had begun
the process long ago by cutting 2 Oct. Gandhi Jayanti, whatever might have
been his hidden intentions and  Govt .servant resisted the  compulsion The
high ways. are kept clean, but every private vehicle dump the waste  on
roads  P.M has created ripple effect as many private houses, Industrialist
and NGO have come forward to shape his dream and make it happen.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. It is an attitude that must change into
behaviour. In India  it is sad to see open spaces converted into latrines
for defecation, urination ,spitting. The beginning must start at home, but
sadly many homes have no arrangements for a toilet. This has put women at
risk of rapes, molestation's and murder. Personal  and oral hygiene ,
bathing, clean clothes etc are taught at home. Even little children in west
are taught to use the trashing units and parents lift them up, We have been
sensitized of late to keep or homes and surroundings clean by dumping waste
elsewhere, People living in cities and housing colonies have no option, but
to pollute every source, be it land, water, air.Our roadsides, water bodies
, markets , eating places, and land are an eyesore. Our siting rooms are
immaculately clean, but not our store rooms,  kitchens, toilets and which
are barometers of sense and attitude towards cleanliness. Our outer
garments are immaculately clean but not the inner wear, kerchiefs, socks
etc. The attitude towards cleanliness must be taught, sustained by constant
monitoring and best done at home. Considering our literary level, the
responsibility is trust on schools

Schools too do not consider personal hygiene as  a priority, but some
attention is not lacking. There are no toilets , facilities for drinking
water , washing etc when children have to spend long hours in schools. The
education inspectors in Goa  go hammer and tongs about availability toilets
in private Institutions only. Most of the Govt primary schools are using
open spaces to ease themselves.and staff goes to private residences in the
vicinity. Besides being undesirable it also creates health problems by
spreading of diseases, Minimum of waste paper baskets are also not in site
.The toilets are often filthy and the concept of antiseptic soap is a
dream. In one case I was happy that soaps were constantly disappearing and
I presumed that they were taking it home for personal use

It is noticed in the west that there is system of  regular, segregated
waste collection at source, public places, buildings, public transport,
malls,  recreational  places,  team parks, restaurants at a price  and
disposal so long as this facility is not provided the litter will be all
around. In Goa  every  site for disposal is vehemently objected, so that we
have place for everything except waste disposal

The system of fines for public nuisance and enforcement is  a
insurmountable task and is  a patchy, half-hearted solutions, since people
will always find  ways to beat, There are no public toilets at convenient
places Those that exists are badly maintained and are stinking at times, so
open places are more desirable. Our tracks are littered as there is no
collection, and the  toilets are used  on  platforms

Cleanliness  of surroundings be it home, school, public places must be
ingrained  a constant habit and attitude to bring about desirable
behaviour, One day sanctimonious ritual/ exercise is not the remedy. Our
P.M has made it a priority and will make some dent in an effort that has
already caught the imagination of the nation at large

Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim
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