Infrastructure abysmal

      S Kamat, Alto Betim

  The services in Goa relating to water and power are going from bad to worse 
in recent times. The authorities need to understand that before any festival 
the ‘aam admi’ would prefer to have both water and power so that the 
festivities run smoothly. This year whether it was the Ganesh festival or the 
Navratri/Dusserah festival or the Diwali festival, either there was difficulty 
in getting proper water or power or both. Water issues related to no pumping or 
turbidity or breakdown were announced by the authorities days before the above 
major festivals. 
  As regards power intermittency, it is chronic in places like Porvorim which 
citizens have complained time and again to the Electricity Dept. and its impact 
on expensive electrical appliances. However, one thing that you have to concede 
to the Electricity Dept is that with the kind of thunderstorm one saw on 
7th(Wed), Narkasur day, there is nothing that they could do if lightning 
strikes put out the electrical facilities. But then over 8th (Thurs) in the 
evening particularly in Porvorim the power kept on and coming and going in 
15-20 minute intervals until it went off around 8.30PM to come back mercifully 
by about 10.30PM. This obviously should not happen and the Electricity Dept. 
should know what they are doing and not indulge wilfully in damaging equipment 
like refrigerators, deep freezers and the like. 
  Thus the approach by the PWD and Electricity Dept. should be that they should 
put their best foot forward before any festival that the ‘aam admi’ celebrates 
so that at least during the days of the festivities things go smoothly and even 
if for emergent reasons things fail, they are put back on a most urgent basis 
so that the inconvenience is minimized.
  (Letter to the Editor in Heraldo
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