Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:36:45 +0530
From: "Frederick Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is Goa still safe for tourists?

Vicky Nanjappa in Goa

March 10, 2008 14:57 IST
Last Updated: March 10, 2008 15:37 IST

Is the sun setting on Goa? The deaths of 15-year-old
Scarlette Keeling and 34-year-old Michael Harvey, both
British nationals in Goa, that too in quick succession
has made this place a talking point and a pet bashing
subject for the foreign media.
These deaths raise the question whether Goa is still a
safe destination for tourists.
Mario responds:
Sun setting on Goa?  Hardly.  Get a grip, Vicky!
These deaths may be a bonanza for ambitious
journalists but let's not forget the incredible
irresponsibility of Scarlett Keeling's mother in all
this, for leaving a 15-year-old girl in India for the
first time with a 25-year-old male "tourist guide" in
the drug and alcohol sozzled and free sex environment
of Anjuna.
What kind of mother is this?
Goa is about as safe for Brits as Britain is, for
those involved in the drug culture.  Anyone who hangs
around the drug culture, whether in Britain or Goa or
anywhere else in the world has a higher probability of
meeting a violent and premature demise.
I'm glad to read that there have been no cancellations
due to these widely discussed incidents.

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