Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote

>First of all let me assure you, not all Indians call Sonia Gandhi, a
>"painted Italian doll". I call her a capable lady who has dedicated her
life >to the murky waters of Indian politics. I fear someday like her
husband >and mother-in-law, she shall drown in them.


Yes certainly she is doing a good job of holding  the disgruntled
congressmen together. Otherwise this party which has so many aspiring
leaders they would never have been able to manage the party together and
would have drowned it  by in-fighting like dogs. Sonia was not a choice
of Indian people but became leader by default due to weakness of
congress to find suitable heir-apparent to the throne after death of
husband Rajiv Ganadhi. It is indeed a national shame that a national
party like congress can not find a capable leader and have to depend on
Nehru dynasty for its survival which is very detrimental to a democracy.


>Lastly, not only does your BJP party take cruel and unstatesmanlike
>potshots at Sonia but they go further and try to discredit, Nehru and
>Mahatma Gandhi as well. This as an Indian is untenable. I have yet to
>come across an America who will openly speak ill of J F Kennedy or
>Eisenhower or Roosevelt. These are the great icons of their shared
>national history and they are claimed by all Americans to shape and
>form their collective national ethos. 


This is a democracy if  eminent  leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee whose
Integrity and universal acceptability is beyond cloud of ambiguity can
be criticized  then  Nehru is not exceptional who should not be censured
for his flaws. In the reprehensible name of 'minorityism' on paper and
petty vote bank politics in practice, the Congress party under the
leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, surreptitiously slipped in Articles 29
and 30 of the Constitution the effects of which our populace in J&K are
still anguishing till today.


>It is only when Indians can look past their narrowly defined communal
>identities, they will create a common bond of national identity, which
>might lead to some sort of national unity. Otherwise we are bound to go
>around in circles, battling imaginary foes.


This applies to the Congress and Marxist parties who are propagating
the twin falsehoods of communalism and minorityism to create a divide in
society to stay in power for own selfish means.





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