GSCA should orgnaise one Grandmaster,s Coaching Camp in Goa. As Mr. Sameer 
Salgaocar is also a Vice President of AICF, one of the 16 GM's will certainly 
will obliged to him. SAG or Dir of Sports, Goa will also agree to sponsor GM's 
coaching fee as Goa's recent sports performance is only good in Chess. If SAG 
or Dir of Sports pays the actual fee charged by GM ignoring AICF Circular 
contentions of barve will be proved to be baseless. 

Sameer is simly making Barve a Hero. 
"It was sad that a non-certified and an unrated chess player like Mr Barve had 
come out with such raging statements against AICF, which was totally uncalled 
for," Mr Salgaocar, who is also the vice-president of AICF, added.

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