Covid 19 has turned our lives inside out and is not going anywhere soon. Jobs 
will be increasingly digitized and working more and more from home is becoming 
the norm. The pay comission had recommended reducing staff and Goa is already 
overstaffed with 60,000 employees compared to our population! Therefore common 
sense dictates staff has to be reduced drastically and skills upgraded? Jobs 
are to be created where required! Departments were supposed to do a work study 
survey and report to government, but no one knows what happened or if that 
study was ever done. Now the CM has promised to create10,000 jobs in 6 months 
in government! With financial condition and borrowings deeply in red and 
expenses increasing, this recruitment drive in politicians hands seems 
obviously for own benefit and votes. It is reported that the government is 
already Rs20,000 crores in debt and is taking loans every month to pay present 
employees! Will educated youth forget the harshness of governments rule and 
wrong priorities rammed down against people's will which many of them have been 
fighting against, for these jobs? This ploy will definately be a drain on the 
exchequer and a millstone around financially overburdened people's necks (more 
taxes, higher prices)now and in the future! Imagine resulting more delays/no 
lean and mean administration to hasten solving common people's woes! Are these 
creation of jobs in Goa's and public interest and whither the promise of less 

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