From: b sabha <>

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 



Father Michael Lapsley epitomizes the very best in human nature. His entire 
life has been a journey: of pain and suffering; of healing and forgiveness. The 
journey has not certainly not been an easy one. Leaving his native New Zealand 
in 1973, as a young Anglican priest, he arrived in South Africa, which had 
mainstreamed apartheid. “I was not treated as a human being, but as a ‘white’ 
man”, he painfully says. He was clear about his mission: he identified himself 
totally with the anti-apartheid struggle.

Those on the other camp did not take this lightly. A letter bomb in 1990 almost 
killed him. Though he survived, the blast took both of his hands, one of his 
eyes and impaired his hearing. “But my spirit was not broken”, he says. He was 
able to go through the suffering, transcend it in some ways and embark on the 
journey of healing. His vocation now is to promote the healing of others- which 
he does with much compassion and total commitment.

His presence in Beirut today could not have come at a more significant time for 
the Jesuit Refugee Service (MENA Region). Just a week ago, a special campaign 
was launched by JRS to highlight the hope and resilience of the Syrian 
displaced and refugees. At a very meaningful interaction this morning, Father 
Michael shared with the JRS team (from Syria, Lebanon and the Regional Office) 
the need and importance of the healing of memories and the challenges of 

Some of those present had come from Aleppo, Homs and Damascus. The past week 
has seen a fresh spate of violence in all these cities. “How does one begin the 
process of healing, when there is so much of violence and suffering all around 
us?” Another JRS staffer put it more bluntly, “how are you able to forgive, 
when they have done so much to you?”

Fr. Michael nonchalantly says, “we have to begin somewhere and at some time; to 
heal the wounds, even if the scars may remain permanently. We have to get rid 
of the poison within us”. “I term it”, he continues with a smile, “as positive 
vomiting!” He is convinced that listening to others, sharing ones stories – has 
to take place a collective; where confidentiality is respected. “Only then, we 
will be able to give strength to each other: to enable hope and resilience.”

All were inspired and touched by this interaction with Father Lapsley. Some of 
those present felt, that they themselves had just embarked on a special 
journey. Fr. Sami Hallak sj, the Project Director of JRS in Aleppo, Syria, has 
translated Fr. Laspsley’s memoirs into Arabic. For Fr. Sami, because of the 
situation in Aleppo (bombs falling everywhere) “I wanted to finish this 
translation as soon as possible. The Arabic version will hopefully help many of 
us in a very positive way”.
‘Redeeming the Past’, is the title of Fr Lapsley’s memoirs; it has a subtitle 
‘My journey from Freedom Fighter to Healer.’ It was first published in English 
in 2012. It has already been translated into some other languages but the 
Arabic version will surely be a source of learning and healing- because of the 
sheer grit and determination , the hope and resilience of one man, who has had 
the courage to show the world that ‘another way is possible’

 In the words of the legendary Nelson Mandela, “Michael’s life represents a 
compelling metaphor….a foreigner who came to our country and was transformed. 
His life is part of the tapestry of the many long journeys and struggles of our 
people”. Words of inspiration indeed, for many Syrian people who are refugees 
and displaced, but who are convinced, that their journey of hope and resilience 
will lead to a better tomorrow.

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995<tel:%2B961%2070-843-995>
 to 58(ext-1703)
Skype:cprakashsj Twitter:@CedricPrakash and @jrs_mena
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