On 12th Jan 2018 four seniormost Supreme (SC) judges, one of them a future CJI, 
held an unprecedented Press Conference where they basically hinted the SC 
needed reforms otherwise Democrary would be endangered. The enormous contrast 
between arrest of ailing octogenarian Fr Stan Swamy, putting him behind bars 
and when he asked for a sipper since he has Alzeimers and cannot hold a glass, 
the NIA seeking 20 days to reply and the granting of bail to Arnab in abetment 
of suicide case by urgent hearing in Supreme court could not be more stark! 
Without the pros and cons of why they are arrested, there is no problem in 
Arnab getting rightly due bail. The problem lies in attitude and unequal 
treatment depending on closeness to those in power. The SC does not act nor 
speak in one voice. What justiceChandrachud reportedly said during the release 
of Arnab on bail is not promulgated widely in public interest but is most 
important namely:   1)It is the job of the SC to protect individua freedom of 
speech, liberty and privacy against State power especially when they target 
individuals 2) If a channel or show hurts your sentiments simply choose to not 
watch it . Others sentiments are hurt by you depriving their right to watch 3) 
If we do not intervene in these cases today we are walking on the path to 
destruction 4) Abetment to suicide vide art 306 requires proof of actual 
incitement. Justice Chandrachud's judgement needs to be widely promulgated and 
is now a precedent that the SC must act upon. Arnab has been calling for Rhea's 
arrest and the little that I saw on Republic TV live when he was arrested and 
the crowds garlanding him on his release with his usual rehetoric, whole 
heartedly backed by the central government reminds me of what is known as 
Trumpism these days! Prashant Bhushan was hauled up for speaking up against the 
SC and now comedian Kunal Kamra is sought to be brought up before the SC for 
contempt. What narrow minded, humourless and intolerant people have we become? 
Contrast so much hoo ha about the small stuff against the urgent resolving of 
mega problems in our nation today !

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