In response to Message 5 Issue 433 of Sunday August 4

Martin I agree with you that in the Global Hemispheres, art and
architecture is synonymous with culture.  In this Unfortunately in this
world of our Economics and Technology  take an upper hand not only in India
but also here in Tanzania...

If GL puts Sn Goa, it is acculturated with indifference. ....likely to
receive more? resistance and criticisms from the fidalgos than from the
plebeians.?   And majority will say, "You come to Goa and do it.......This
endeavor should also enjoin Native with Diaspora Goans.?

Let me add, very Intriguing Indeed !!!  You fellows have hit on something
….. Imagine if Angola, Mozambique, Brazil and Macau and others of the LUSO
Heritage all contribute.

Since Charles Correa is no longer with us and even Anthony Almeida of
Tanzania (Africa’s Prize Winning Arch) is now RIP.

. Which Goan professional wants to be trashed ?

Adolfo Mascarenhas

Dar es Salaam

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