Iconoclasm: Broken images of the Past

Any society, present or past, has its own beliefs and things it considers 
sacred and holy. In Goa, the earlier inhabitants worshipped the Earth as 
represented by the 'Sater', 'Santer'. or the 'Roenn'. Thus 'Sateri' or the 
Earth Goddess came into being. She was of an ever changing form, but always 
the same. Her names changed … Kelbai, Tulzai, Lairaiee… but Sateri remained 
always the Earth Goddess. The stone or metal idols had not arrived in Goa 
then. The people were at peace with Nature. They worshipped nature in its 
natural form. They neither made, nor needed, any man-made idol. Then came the 
first invasion or in-migration and caused the first iconoclasm!

The word icon is a small, four-letter word with a great importance. Literally, 
the word means a mosaic or painting or statue of a sacred person that is 
regarded as sacred by it self. To the people who believed in Sateri, she was a 
goddess. To those who did not believe it was a termitorium, an anthill in 
which the wood decaying 'white ants' lived. While one group happily destroyed 
the termitoria as evil, the other lost an icon that was sacred to them and 
dearer than their own lives. This was the iconoclasm then. It does not matter 
whether the iconoclasts were the Saraswats from the North, Muslims from the 
East, the Shaivites from the South or the Catholics from the West. The then 
local populace of Goa underwent a drastic change that they would have wished 
to do without.

Change is the only thing that is constant. That is the irony of life! If the 
fish eating Saraswats are anathema to the pure vegetarians Brahmins, the beef 
eating Muslims are equally hard to accept for the Saraswats. Likewise, the 
Muslims and Jews find the pork eating Christians hard to stomach. The simple 
principle of life is that inclusiveness promotes growth. The statistics of the 
religions will reveal that today the religions with the broadest food base 
have the largest following. The excessive use of hormones in poultry and other 
meats, the disastrous effects of sedentary life and consumerism as well as the 
increasingly invasive procedures of allopathic medicine is turning the world 
towards vegetarianism, ayurveda and yoga. Do not be surprised if there is a 
sudden upsurge in the demand for non-militant brand of Hinduism or the ever 
pacifist Saterism: the indicators of an iconoclasm are already there.

Conversions by free choice have more to do with lifestyle and less to do with 
faith. It is not limited to religions but to even simple belief in Mult-level 
Marketing systems. A study of even Amway will validate what I say. Try finding 
any Amway person with a beard or even a moustache after 9/11 and you will be 
surprised that you cannot find any. Even those who claim to have pride in 
their Bharatiya and Maratha sanskruti and itihas, have willingly cut their own 
moustache. The Sardars in Delhi have raised a hue and cry over some burglars 
cutting the hair of a Sikh boy. Should they want to join Amway, they will 
happily become "Mona". That is conversion to the American Way, by free, adult, 
educated choice. 

Post 1600 A.D., most religious conversions have taken place by choice and 
perpetuated down the generations by the traditions. There have been no 
Inquisitions but the numbers grew more rapidly than during the 1500s. Schools, 
hospitals, student centres, food, clothing, housing and such inducements are 
more likely to gain converts that a Grand Jury of Inquisition. If the 
Catholics converted other faiths in Goa till 1961, it is now the turn of 
Protestant groups and Believer cults to convert the catholics to their brand 
of Christianity. Just like designer clothes, the labels are socially 
important! What has faith got to do with it, anyway? The Hindu 'Shuddhikaran' 
groups and the Muslim Jammats have also learnt the tricks of the conversion 
trade. Religion is now run by market forces. It is all about money, honey.

The most convertible commodity in the world is currency. This article of faith 
is increasingly gaining currency. We have come a long way from once a 
month "Full moon" parties organized by the hippies at Anjuna in winter, 
through week-end discos to round-the-year Rave parties all over Goa. It is no 
longer any Babazito at Rito's or a dumbo at Jumbo's or any Saturday night 
fervour. If you have the money, they have the event for you, even at your own 
house, attic or loft! What you do is your problem, they only organize the 
things for you, you dope. If you are wondering where all the money comes from, 
you must be a real dope. There is no hope for you. Iconoclasm is here. Join in 
or roll over.

This is no flight of fancy, as a lady passenger on the Kingfisher Airlines 
flight from Chennai to Kochi discovered in this August. The converts are 
brazen about it. A 65-years old Public Works Minister from Kerala was 
actually 'groping in the dark' when the cabin lights were switched off during 
take-off. He violated her 'private space' and that was a "PJ" stretched too 
far for her comfort. He traveled the distance to Kochi in the cabin…and was 
jettisoned from the cabinet, thereafter. The Chief Minister did not approve of 
such 'works' in public. Thank God for Achutanandan! (ENDS)

Miguel Braganza's column at:


The above article appeared in the September 1, 2006 edition of Gomantak Times, 
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