Comments (34)
Ema GraciasTuesday - Apr 19, 2016re: kadamba movie, very nice video, really 
wonderful work, Thanks NizgoenkarJessie VascoFriday - Apr 15, 2016re: Kadamba 
movie, me too very informative movie, thanks Niz GoenkarAgnelo 
FernandesThursday - Apr 14, 2016re: kadamba movie, thanks Niz Goenkar 
teamLucy/USA/MargaoWednesday - Apr 13, 2016re:Kadamba movie, wow so nice of 
them to have this produced good for my kids.Sony/AustraliaMonday - Apr 11, 
2016Re Kadamba movie, very educational, informative movie, history made easy, 
can be of entertainment too thanks 'Nizgoencar'Jupiter HenriquisSunday - Apr 
10, 2016Re: Kadamba movie: to Margaret Fernandes, Sanvordem, you mean all 
Fernandes are related to this Velliapur family....this sounds crazy, Pls 
withdraw your remark, Margaret Fernandes, SanvordemMargaret Fernandes, 
SanvordemSaturday - Apr 9, 2016Re: Kadamba movie, the Kadamba/Velliapura family 
lived a secret/hidden life as "Fernandes" in Velim, I am very proud as I am 
Fernandes tooShashi@LFriday - Apr 8, 2016Kadamba movie this is from my grandpa 
Tulsidas Lotlikar, he wants me to write to you that he knew Roque Santan, who 
was a great but simple man, he lived all his life true to his hidden ancestry 
as shown in the movie, he was not part of the gang that were selfish and that 
robed Goa.Alfred NunesFriday - Apr 8, 2016re: Kadamba movie to Apa Gajanannnn 
papa jiiiiii. you are looking for Roque Santan in the movie, we are looking for 
Kadamba in that movie.Anaculate Souris,PanjimThursday - Apr 7, 2016re: Kadamba 
movie wow..... 12th century Dudsagar was so undisturbed and heavenly, today the 
railway line is polluting the whole sceneShairat SheikThursday - Apr 7, 
2016just posting for those who missed it....
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 12:08:20 +0530
From: MD <>
To: "" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Just to recap on the Final days of Kadamba History:
Ibn Battuta (b. Tangier, Morocco 1304-1377), the fourteenth-century Arab
traveller, in his chronicles records that a family feud between ?father and
son? invited the Nawab Jamal-ud-din of Honavar to invade Goa in 1344. This
he apparently refers to one of the sons of Kadamba king Biradeva
(1328-1345), who wrote to the Nawab Jamaluddin of Honavar inviting him to
seize Sindabur, i.e.: Chandrapura (where Biradeva's crowned prince was
assisting in administering the city while Biradeva and his other son were
stationed at Govapura), promising that he would embrace Islam and marry the
Nawab's sister. Jamaluddin, accordingly equipped a fleet of 52 sailing
vessels to attack Gopaka. On Battuta expressing his wish to join the
expedition, was made commander of the fleet under Jamaluddin?s supervision.
However, Jamaluddin, instead of attacking Chandrapura, attacks
Gopaura/Gopaka (sometime after monsoon in 1344) forcing the king to flee to
Chandrapura and from there Biradeva mounts a counter attack and is
successful in evicting Jamaluddin from Govapura/Gopaka.

Yet, urged by the second son the conspirator, next year, October 16, 1345
Jamaludding mounts a second attack, perhaps simultaneously on Goapura and
Chandrapura. By this time, Biradeva had died and his young son Suriyadeva
was newly crowned. On the midnight of October 16, 1435, it is said
Jamaluddin mounted a two pronged attack simultaneously on Gopapura
(Gove-Goa Velha) and Chandrapura (Chandor) in which the newly crowned young
king Siriyadeva was slain (as per oral tradition of 'internal conspiracy',
by his own Chardo palace guards who slew the king with his own royal sword)
and with him all the male members of the Kadamba family were killed. It is
not very clear if Suriyadeva was killed at Chandrapura or at Gove. His
young queen was away at her father's palace at Hangal. Family tradition has
it that a messenger was sent to bring her back, and she hurried and arrived
at Chandrapura on 18th October, 1345 (Moraes in his 'Kadamba Kula' says the
queen who was away, arrived few days later) and only then she came to know
of the treachery and the death of her husband. Prior to her arrival, all
the females of the Royal court had ground their jewellry, tossed the powder
in the river and jumped after, and had killed themselves. The distraught
queen broke her bangles on the stone in front of the Santiago Chapel on the
Chandor Cotta Kadamba gate and dusting her heels (three or four times)
because she did not even want to carry the dust of the wretched city of
Chandor on her feet, uttered her famous curse and was secretly escorted to
Jayakeshi I Royal compound at Villiapura (modern Velim) and lived there in
secrecy guarded by her loyal black smith subjects. Later she was joined by
her father and nephew whom she adopted as her son and heir and this way the
Hangal and Goa Kadamba lineage continued and extant to this day.
MDParesh JThursday - Apr 7, 2016re: Kadamba movie, Gajanannnn papa jiiiiiii you 
are too late to tell us. We knew that its Roque Santana ancestry movie, all the 
time we are trying to admire the work of this producersGajanan Naik, 
Mapusa.Wednesday - Apr 6, 2016re: kadamba movie, everybody is talking of this 
movie don't know, if one carefully watch this movie start to finish, its the 
historical movie of Mr.Roque Santan Fernandes and his ancestry. I know of him 
only as a noble man who once walked in Goa. This man could not tolerate 
corruption in any form therefore he couldn't adjust to any gatherings with 
agenda for corruption. This man lived a life full of sacrifice to Goans. He 
threw a chair at CM Bandodkar to save Goa from merger into Maharashtra. Now i 
realize may be because of his ancestry he was different and pure.Vinod 
KarapurkarTuesday - Apr 5, 2016reg: Kadamba movie, i like the part which shows 
coconut oil production beautiful////nice work Viva Menino/Jeffery/Nizgoenkar 4 
this write upVivian Rod USAMonday - Apr 4, 2016re: Kadamba movie so nice 
educational information for kids good work Nizgoenkar/MeninoHector VSunday - 
Apr 3, 2016..regarding Kadamba movie, very interesting movie Keep it up Asley, 
thanks Nizgoenkar/Menino de Valpoi.... let me too say Viva Goa, Viva Kadamba, 
Viva Sanjayadeva.SurendraKSaturday - Apr 2, 2016Kadamba movie is very 
interesting lot of information, nice idea to teach Goans like us,Chandor and 
Pillar, Goa Velha. The agricultural and handicraft activitiesMark Vaz UK.Friday 
- Apr 1, 2016great movie for Goans and for Konkan area people. Very interesting 
20 min show, nice Indian and western instrumentalPrakesh KantakThursday - Mar 
31, 2016great movie....Goan kids get to see how coconut oil was produced in 
ancient times, Goan youth get to see how pots were made in the ages and how 
fishing was conducted in olden days....yes really VIVA KADAMBA....VIVA 
GOA....VIVA SANJAyDEVANatasha AlemaoWednesday - Mar 30, 2016as for 
me......its..... VIVA KADAMBA....VIVA GOA....VIVA SANJADEVA.....beautifulNeena 
G NaikTuesday - Mar 29, 2016it is not the music here to listen, see the history 
that runs before your eyes, its a very intelligent move to educate 
usNeelashTuesday - Mar 29, 2016this is for J de souza.

Mr. J de souza we were all like Ganttii's in Goa prior to the coming of 
Portuguese, Portuguese thought us to dress up and table manners, so we are 
different from Indians across. the beginning of this video is of ancient times 
prior to Portuguese arrival in Goa thats why it sounds like Ganttii music, its 
indian music. pLS EDUCATED YOUR SELFJ de souzaMonday - Mar 28, 2016if they 
change the instrumental music to Goan instrumental this video will click in 
Goa. You cannot put 'ganttii' music and expect goans to see this videos.G 
NasnodkarSaturday - Mar 26, 2016Can you belive, Goans don't know what is 
Chandrapura, Velliapura.
Chandrapura is Village of Chandor and Velliapura is village of Velim in South 
this is the state of modern goans.Wilma de MesquitaSaturday - Mar 26, 2016I 
feel so sad for the 'Queen'. we wish to go and see 'Velliapura' in Velim during 
our Dec visit to Goa.James GamaThursday - Mar 24, 2016oh ho..... my friends had 
told me of this video on Goan history the Kadambas, but i could'nt find it, 
till i got this link, when one is out side the country it becomes even more 
beautiful. Thanks Asleyp beautiful beautiful work, God bless you.Dilip 
uWednesday - Mar 23, 2016very beautiful movie black and reminds me 
of good old bygone kadamba days....we Goans are done with set of thieves 
finishing our heritage with illegal constructions.... the historical film is 
worth its watch....thanks Nizgoenkar need more of this to 'vent out'Shazia 
RazkWednesday - Mar 23, 2016Dear Subjects please say it properly 'VIVA His 
Royal Highness Shri. Sanjayadeva', would the British tolerate any short comings 
to their royals?Aslam yMonday - Mar 21, 2016why not 'VIVA' SanjayaDeva, long 
live the kingThomei AlvaresMonday - Mar 21, 2016oh yeah.... thanks Nizgoenkar 
for this art/video. Viva Goa... Viva KadambaSidney Val.Saturday - Mar 19, 
2016really good work thanks 'Niz Goenkar', Goa history alive,Manoj KThursday - 
Mar 17, 2016good video for the new generations of Goans who are on 
smartphones.carlWednesday - Mar 16, 2016Goa history, excellent job.

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