First of all thank you...a real Big Thank You ....

Venantius when I heard the Swahili Rendation I thought you had written
them...really Puzzled why if you was so good, at the language I had not
known you in DSM....A few moments ago I saw that you SHARED  for our *Consider
the rendition KARIBU NA WEWE, by Msanii Records.  at Mystery solved but our
gratitude remains.

I will be sharing the hymn with other Tanzanians.....I am sure it already
exists, in Haya, Chagga, Ufipa etc ....Kiswahili is not the mother
tongue....Its number 9 after Kimaasai. Over 7 million people speak
Kisukuma. When husban and wives are of two different tribes ....they speak
in Swahili.

I wrote a paper on the subject for the Voda Foundation, Every Member of
Parliament (MP) gets a free copy ...I thought I would have a passive
approach to educate the MPs.  Unfortunately this was in direct
contradiction to the the  Head of State. He somehow or the other believed
that Africa should have only one Language ...Swahili ....tell that to the
Nigerian, Zimbabwean ......Similarly in Europe ...tell the French, the
Germans, the Flemish, or Portuguese or Irish  etc .....

Goanet should be a Forum for exchanging Information, Perspectives, Changes
....not a place glorifying Caste, Religion and Race etc

We have to Thank Fr. Naik for sharing with us all this information.


In Cool Makongo Juu


 On 29 Jan 2022, at 01:27, Venantius J Pinto <>

> Hello Adolfo, Hello Melwynm and all  !

*Consider this rendition KARIBU NA WEWE, by Msanii Records

> Choral
> <>*
> Karibu na wewe, Mungu wangu:

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