 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R
Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
            Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

    A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:

Know your man by his mobile
Size matters, as do features and performance
By Cecil Pinto

Last Friday Bhadrinath Yellapa, a freelance plumber's assistant who 
lives in a rented shanty in an illegal basti in Betim, finally was 
given a mobile and Lifetime-Incoming-Free connection by his boss. 
Yellapa does not have a square meter of land to his name, he does not 
have access to a regular toilet near his shanty, not even a free 
Government provided Sulabh type one, but he has a mobile. Owning a 
mobile is no longer a status symbol, most everyone has one.

So what does a mobile tell us about the man? Can you choose a steady 
boyfriend, or make a lifetime commitment of fidelity to a man, by 
checking out his mobile? Surely his mobile choice and usage tells us 
more about him than such factors that he has no power over like his 
horoscope or caste? Or things difficult to change like his religion 
or name? Or permanent physical attributes like complexion, height, 
presence of hair on head, or dimensions of vital organs. I am 
examining only male mobile users' habits as I have been cautioned 
that too many columns have been spent by me on examining the 
frailties of the female gender. So this one's for the girls!

Let us examine some aspects of mobiles and see what we can predict 
about their male owners.

Ownership Circumstances:
Yellapa was given a mobile by his plumber boss. It was given so the 
boss could keep track of him as well as have him on call. Yellapa may 
revel in his upward mobility, not realizing that his freelance status 
has been compromised by accepting this gift. Did a parent / guardian 
gift the phone and connection? Unasked for? Asking for, or accepting 
a mobile as a gift, is ok provided the receiver knows exactly what 
the reciprocal involves. If an employee accepts a mobile from an 
employer and agrees to be contactable at all hours then he doesn't 
value his personal space and privacy very much. Low self esteem. 
Indulgent parents naturally gift their non-earning sons mobile 
phones. The boys who choose the best, and hence most expensive, model 
in town are spoilt brats with no idea of the value of money. Immature.

Brand Model & Features Usage:
My Kuwait based cousin Roland has the latest, latest mobile. In 
addition to video camera it has Touch Screen and WAP, GPRS and a 
whole lot of other stuff that makes it more powerful than my desktop 
PC at home. Problem is Roland doesn't even know how to send SMS from 
his mobile and uses it only to make and receive calls. Now why 
couldn't Roland purchase a bare-bones phone that just has the basic 
features he needs? Show off. That's all. If you're not using the 
features why pay for them? For that matter most mobile users just use 
their instruments to make and receive calls and the occasional SMS. 
Unfortunately they get conned into buying a dozen other gizmos 
packaged into the same phone. Suckers.

Young men of my generation used to compare bikes and girlfriends and 
yes sometimes even our vital physical statistics. Now they sit around 
in groups comparing whose mobile phone is slicker and which got more 
features. "So what if Carl's hung like a horse and has three steady 
girlfriends, I got Bluetooth!", "See, my phone is smaller than your 
phone!" We all know that men with small appendages drive big cars, 
but why do men with small appendages want even more minuscule mobiles?

Degree of Customization:
My friend Sandeep not only knows his instrument inside out he has 
customized it to such and extent that it reeks of Sandeep - and I say 
this in a positive way. If he is being called from his home phone a 
lovely photo of his wife and young son pops up and the ring tone is a 
recording of his son saying, "Dada, Mama wants to talk to you!" If 
his mother-in-law calls a ugly demon picture pops up and the ring 
tone is a dog barking. The paneling of Sandeep's phone is exactly the 
same colour and styling as his car. He has set, and constantly uses, 
shortcuts to all regular functions. This man knows every feature of 
his phone and uses them all. Geek. His obsession with optimizing 
technology usage may be radical but much better Sandeep than Gerald 
who has not changed his default ring tone since the day he brought 
his mobile. Not a single word added to the T9 dictionary. No 
shortcuts to often used phone numbers. No special dialer tone, no 
nothing. Boring.

Scheme Choice and Usage:
And of course the best indicator of a man's personality is the 
service provider and billing method he prefers and how much and how 
he uses his phone. If he's a post-paid guy then either he's pretty 
well to do or his company foots the bill. Rich. If he's one of those 
pre-paid guys who always has loads of money loaded in but is 
constantly going past his validity date then he's a miser who hardly 
uses his phone to make calls, only receive. Stingy. If he's chosen 
the scheme which gives you SMS dirt cheap then he's a texting addict 
and therefore not a very good conversationalist. Self-absorbed loner. 
Specially so if he uses so many short-forms that his message reads 
like pure gibberish and takes forever to decipher.

If he has no clue as to what different service schemes are available 
he's a dreamer. Impractical idealist. Does he speak hastily to try 
and finish before one minute is up? Tightwad. Does he create jokes or 
just forward them? Conformist. Does he give you missed calls and 
expect you to call back? Inconsiderate. Does he top up with Rs. 10/-? 
Myopic. Does he have a embarrassingly blaring ring tone and does he 
speak loudly while receiving the call at the table instead of 
politely going some distance away? Attention Seeking Lout or Deaf!

Doesn't all this tell you some thing about him? Wake up girl, drop 
that loser. Find someone sensible and sensitive - with a mobile to 
match! And while I'm on the topic, if his mobile is a rounded flip 
top or one of those sleek slim things that look too good to be really 
functional - he's probably gay!


The humour column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 16th November 2006

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