Taitro “Jit” Review in Toronto, Canada on June 15, 2013

Silviano Barbosa

It was a
pleasure to see this beautiful Tiatro “Jit” on June 15, 2013 in Toronto,

I would
place it among the top three best Tiatros ever held in Toronto, Canada,
especially due to the fact that it was written by Adolf Silveira from Calangute,
Goa, a playwright not much known here.

But this
Tiatro performance was excellent.

Very nice
acting, nice story, great but short comedy, nice songs, nice dialogues, great
delivery, and the play was short and sweet and it started almost on time.

in the audience was delirious, the response was great and I am sure everyone
enjoyed this great play.

I’d like
to quote someone who said “I liked 3 Ss best”: 1) Samson Santimano (comedian) 2.
Serah Barbosa[comedienne] and 3) Sylda Gracias[actress, heroine]. I am sure the
audience will agree. Samson was excellent as Petromax with his ad-lib comedy
and singing. So also was Serah Barbosa who wowed the audience with her costume
and comedic histrionics as Perpet. Youthful Sylda Gracias is a promising
heroine whose acting and singing will surely put her centre stage in years to
come. Her acting as Rochelle was just superb.

Producer Clema
Fernandes who did a great job putting this all together and whose suave acting 
Netty deserves the greatest credit as well as the Director Joe Vaz, whose 
song “Senorita” captured women’s hearts mostly, beautified this play with his
direction and “Jit”song. The character actors Francis Moraes and Tony D’Silva
and the actress Grace Almeida were impeccable. So also all the other  actors 
including comedian Gaspar and his impressive
daughter Giann Moraes showed great promise.  Olwen Da Costa  as a ghantti acted 
real good and his
marvellous child actors/singers Fay and Owen Da Costa are sure turning into
great Konkani budding stars and will be  great assets to the Canadian Goan 
community in

Among the
best singing talent of  the day were  Agnelo Fernandes, with his inimitable 
Rose voice and style ( Duddu & Nizache Goenkar), the smiling Hazel Jacob
with her  two great popular songs ‘Ye ye
Katrina & ‘Kedna’ & O Canada brightened up the stage with Willy, Raymond
(Jr) Menezes who sang one nostalgic song “Bhurgeponn” and of course not
forgetting Ruth Kumar with the best voice in Toronto for a Konkani song 

Riener & Rhio Gracias whose acting rose to new heights along with their singing
and the other actors who did minor roles but gave their best in elegant style
included Olavio Da Costa, Patrick & Maria Pereira and Auggie Pereira who
wowed the audience with his song ‘Kazar’ in bride’s dress.  Other nice songs  
appreciated by the audience were the trio “Goa
Maim” (Tony, Patrick, Olavio), “Talnni” (Sylda & Riener) “Sounsarachi Ass”
by Sandra Menezes,  “Sirvidor” (Fay,
Owen, Giann), nice trio ‘Don Muine’ (Clema, Gaspar-Samson)  and “Lollipop” 
(Owen Da Costa).

The band
was great and the workers on and behind the stage rounded up this great Goan
ensemble in lifting up our Goan Konkani culture in Toronto to great heights. The
mature audience greatly appreciated this Tiatro performance. 

May more
Directors/actors/singers come up and take the Konkani Tiatro forward with no
end in sight.

Viva Goa!Viva


June 17,


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